Chapter 4

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Sasuke pov:

Things are definitely awkward now.

I cant look at Sakura without imagining how soft her lips were.

She was definitely doing as told though she was being a better girlfriend for naruto, she had let him hug her, even though she still visually tensed she calmed and relaxed.

They had been laughing together, she's even been laughing at his corny jokes. Which means she was really trying.

"Man Kurama is a smart dog! You got to meet him Sakura-cha! You'll love him! Oh and my mom and dad want to meet you! I've told them so much about you!" He said.

"You want me to meet your parents?! Already?!?"

"Well yeah...i met your mom last night so i think its only fair you meet my parents as well sakura-chan!"

"But naruto you only met my mother because of the fact you and sasuke-kun came over to work on our assignment"

"Oh so you didn't want me to meet your mom so early? Actually when i talked to her last night it seemed she was more excited to see teme than me...had you not told her about us yet?" Naruto said.

"U-uh well... i told her we went on a date I hadn't told her we had started dating. It's just a time thing, and I don't want to move so fast...but since you've told your parents i guess meeting them is inevitable" she said.

"Yes! How about Saturday? Dress nice!" He said as he kissed her on her cheek and ran away to where choji and kiba were in the classroom.

I looked back at Sakura who had been touching her cheek where naruto had kissed her.

Something in my chest wrenched when i saw him do that.


I turned to see shikamaru lazily looking at me with his half lidded eyes.

"What do you want lazy ass?"

"Why do you keep staring at Sakura" he asked.

"Who's staring? I'm not looking at her" i said back.

"Yeah've been looking at her since we all got to class do know she's your best friend's girlfriend?"

"I know that...I wasn't looking at her"

"Oh is that so?" He said as i looked at him as a smirk was on his face.

"Okay fine i was looking at her...but i know where we stand" i said as my eyes went back to sakura.

"Where you stand?" Shikamaru said.

I didn't answer as sakura who was walking towards me, had all my attention.

"Sasuke-kun, can we talk?" She said as i stood up, she began walking towards the door as i followed behind her, i looked over my shoulder at shikamaru who just stared at the two of us.

I shrugged him off as i followed sakura to a secluded hallway where no one would be.

"What is it pinky?" I asked as i leaned on the wall crossing my arms, looking at her.

"I just want to i doing okay? I mean im trying to be natural with naruto, but i don't want to try too hard"

"I think you're doing fine" i said genuinely she was actually doing a good job.

"Well okay...but things are weird about him still kissing me or wrapping his arm around my waist" she said.

"Weird?" I asked.

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