Chapter 10

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Sasuke pov:

Winter break came to its end, with all the drama from both groups of friends meeting which was treacherous.

We were back home now, and since that little incident we haven't come in contact with the others.

School was back in, sakura's cast came off as they gave her a brace to put on it so her wrist can strengthen again.

Speaking of her, i had to go pick her up, i told her since her wrist is still healing i would drive us.

"Sasuke dear, come eat breakfast before you go" my mom said from downstairs.

I went downstairs as my mother handed me a bagel with tomato slices on it with cream cheese

"Thanks, I'm heading out" i said.

"You don't want to eat here? You have time!" She said.

"I have to go pick up sakura, i can eat and drive" i said.

"Well okay, just be careful my baby" she said hugging me.

I grabbed my bookbag and bagel and went outside, i unlocked my car and got in driving towards sakura house taking bites of my bagel.

When i pulled up, i honked the horn a few times as sakura finally came out, she had on a jacket, blue jeans, and pink ugg boots since there was still snow and it was still cold.

Her hair was down in a middle part as it flowed down her back.

"Good morning sasuke-kun!" She said sweetly planting a kiss on my cheek. "Ooo breakfast!" She said pulling my hand towards her mouth taking a bite of my bagel.

"Have you lost your mind?" I said snatching my hand away. "Get your own" i said.

"Sharing it caring...don't you care about me sasuke-kun?"

"Of course, but i care about my tomatoes more" i said, as she pouted. "Fine, here" i put one end of the bagel in my mouth and held the other side up for her.

She smiled and blushed as she put her mouth on the other end.

I took a bite closer as she did the same, when our mouths got closer, she couldn't hold her laughter as it dropped and i smirked.

"You're so cute sasuke-kun lets go" she said as i ate the rest of my bagel, but I didn't go yet. "What are we waiting for?"

"My kiss" i said.

"Really?" She asked as i nodded. "Okay fine" she bent over and pulled my face towards her planting her lips on mine, she tried to pull away but i grabbed her and deepened our little morning kiss.

I finally let her go as her entire face turned red.

"Stop making it so steamy!" She said as i smirked.

"But you like it" she didn't say anything. "Thought so" I said driving off.

We eventually made it to school, as i parked the car and got out with sakura we heard shouts of our names.

"SAKURA SASUKE OVER HERE!" we turned to the direction of our names and to our surprise it was the group from winter break.

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