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"The eyes, Chico. They never lie."

If you asked Stella how many times she had watched Scarface, she wouldn't be able to tell you. It was one of Barry's favourite films, and the boys tended to watch it at least once a month. The DVD disk had been battered, it was a surprise that it still managed to play the movie without any blips or glitches, despite the fact that the actual printed image had faded and peeled off long ago, the only way that they could identify it was the title written in sharpie across it.

If it was up to Stella, she would be watching something different, but the case of DVD's that they had seemed to have gone missing in Barry's room somewhere and there was no way she was going to attempt to clean that mess. The whole house was a state in fact, she had plans to rope the gang into helping her clean it once they returned from doing whatever they where doing. Hopefully it would be soon, that way she could go and join the Pogue's in hope that they had managed to sell off the gold and they could spent tonight celebrating with the cash.

The old laptop which played the movie was running out of battery fast, she wasn't even sure she was going to see the end of the film. It was probably for the best, considering how stoned she was. With a half smoked joint balanced between her fingers, she watched the screen with hazy eyes, unable to focus on the world around her. That was, until she heard a commotion outside.

Reaching forward with a low moan, she pushed against the space bar, making the movie come to a halt. Placing the spliff in the ashtray on the bedside table, she ran a hand across her face, willing the high to go away a little so she could concentrate on the task at hand. Glancing out of the window, she could see the sun beginning to set. The boys where probably home, meaning she could whip them into shape and make the house look a little but tidier. Whichever one of them it was wasn't being quiet about their arrival, the sound of random items crashing to the floor. Was Richy drunk or something? Who knows, but she took it as a sign to get up and figure out what was going on.

Pushing herself to her feet and stretching her arms out, she grabbed one of JJ's jumpers that was hanging off the bed post and pulled it over her head. She took a quick glance in the mirror and snorted at her appearence. Her blonde hair was tied in a messy bun and the navy jumper covered her down to the middle of her thighs, but her blue eyes where bloodshot and narrowed from the pot and she secretly hoped that Barry wouldn't notice the dent she'd made.
With a little giggle, she reached for the door knob of her bedroom, until she heard a voice.

A voice that Stella would recognise in a crowd of a thousand people.

"Well, as thou hath stealeth from us, we shall stealeth from ye."


"Yeah, that kind of got lost in translation."

John B?

What the hell where they both doing here if not looking for her? The only time John B ever came round was when we was looking for Stella, same goes for JJ. The difference between the two was that John B would walk in and announce his arrival where as JJ would just walk straight into her room and make himself comfortable. And why the fuck was JJ speaking medieval?

"An eye for an eye, John B."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's great JJ, but what happens after you rob a drug dealer, huh? More importantly, what happens after you rob Barry fuckin' Swayer? You know, your girlfriends older brother? He knows who we are!"

'Okay, what the fuck?'

Stella had no idea what was going on, but the panic in John B's voice wasn't false. She knew this wasn't some trick they where playing on her, a prank to wind her up. Where they seriously considering robbing Barry?

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