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"Jesus Christ."

When the three teens had woken up, hungover might we add, they had discovered that they where down on power. Following that, after Barry and the boys began to take down the wooden panels, they saw the damage that Agatha had caused to the south side. They didn't waste much time getting ready after that, Stella made the boys a small breakfast whilst they took turns to shower and she dressed herself in her usual style — bikini with a baggy T-shirt over the top and her checkered vans. Once they where sorted, the three headed over to the chateau. It took longer than usual, as they moved rubbish out of the road or helped a couple of families unboard their windows. People looked out for each other on their side of the island, they had good community spirit, not like those damn kooks.

When they got to the chateau, they took down the panelling from the outside of the house. After that, John B began to check everything out. He was down on power, too. That meant the full island would probably be the same. Stella leaned against the back door as she looked around at the damaged area — a tree had been pulled from its roots and there was shit everywhere. They'd have to clean up at some point, and Stella sighed at the thought.

"Agatha did some work, huh." JJ said as he appeared from inside, passing her a beer before cracking his own open.

"Yep, she did." John B went to work on pulling large branches and debris from the boat.

She took a sip from her beer can, wondering where to start, when JJ burped in her ear. "Ew, gross." She pushed him away from her, causing him to laugh as they both walked over to JB.

"Watcha' thinking?" JJ asked.

He pulled himself up to sit on the edge of the Pogue. "I'm thinking all that storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze. All those drum are gonna chase the crab."

"What about the DCS? Wasn't that today?"

"Nah, they're not getting on a ferry." He shrugged it off. "C'mon, think about it, it's god telling us to fish."

Stella grimaced. "Ugh."

Let it heard loud and clear that Stella Swayer does not like fish. Doesn't like the smell of fish, eating fish, looking at fish. Sure, she didn't mind them when they where in the water, where they belonged, that was fine — but when John B and JJ dragged her on one of their fishing trips, at least one of them would end up throwing a live fish at her and she really did not appreciate the gesture.

Yet, she still went with them, because what else was she going to do the day after a huge storm with no power? That, and because JJ practically dragged her on the boat, he wasn't taking no for an answer. So, that's how the three found themselves sailing up the marshes towards the main part of town.

"Shiiiit," Stella said as she glanced around the water. "This is fucked."

"Look at this place." JB shook his head as he navigated the boat to avoid the larger chunks of driftwood that floated in the water, as well as all the other shit that had accumulated.

"Agatha, what did you do!" JJ shouted.

"She is one crazy lady."

"We'll be cleaning this all summer."

"I'd like to go storm chasing one day." She said absentmindedly, twirling a piece of hair around her index finger.

"Why the hell would you wanna do that?" JJ scrunched his face up, taking a seat besides her.

"Probably for the thrill? I dunno, could be interesting." Ya see, Stella Swayer was an adrenaline junkie through and through. She put herself in the way of danger, just for the fun of it. It probably started when she was younger, when Barry had convinced her that jumping off the roof of the house onto the trampoline in the back yard was a good idea. He was right to an extent, it was hella fun, but her parents where furious when they returned home to find there 8 year old daughter summersalting from the top of their house.

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