New Era

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"If you crash this bike I swear I'll kill you," I yell to Draken as we hit a bump.
"I won't crash if you stop moving around dumbass!"
"Yeah, well I'm trying my best back here Ryuguji."
"There's that venom in your voice again, you sound like you might actually kill me."
"I could if I wanted to"
"Oh really?"
"Yep, she can!" Hanagaki yells from his bike.
"Oh shut it Takemitchy. She's your cousin you have to take her side."
I laugh as I watch Hanagaki get that scared look on his face again.
"We're almost there feisty," Mikey says while laughing. And eventually enough we stop at a spot where we can see the lake "Nowadays, people just think that delinquents are lame. When my big bro was alive, there were so many biker gangs around here. You could always hear the super loud bikes as they went by. They all acted super tough."
I've never heard anyone talk this openly about something to basically strangers but as I sit looking over the water I see Draken smiling at Mikey over my shoulder.
" They fought all the time... But they always cleaned up their own messes. What's so lame about that?"
"Not all gangs do that Mikey, you know that," I can't help but add, knowing full well how messy things get in the gang world.
"That's exactly why I'm going to make a new era for delinquents. You should come with me," Mikey says looking towards me then towards my cousin. "I like you Hanagaki and Y/n Takemichi."
"There are plenty of people who are good at fighting, but standing up to someone for something you can't give up on? There aren't many guys like you," Draken says as he looks at Hanagaki. "Think about it you two, huh Takemitchy." He says as the two walk back towards their bikes. Leaving me and my cousin to think it all over.
"I can tell you now that I've never met anyone in a gang like the two of them," I say hugging my knees, "they almost make me wish I stayed here and joined Toman instead of Tottenham." I chuckle smiling up at my cousin.
"Come on Y/n let's go home." He says smiling back at me.
"Damn I'm coming," I yell at the person banging on my door. "What the in the hell," I say as I'm nearly knocked to the floor by Mikey and Draken pushing their way into my home.
"Hello y/n!" Mikey says cheerfully as he makes himself at home on my couch.
"You good?" Draken asks standing behind him.
"Well let's see, I'm in my pajamas about to cook dinner when two of the biggest delinquents in the city nearly knock me on my ass as they barge into my house. Does that sound good to you Draken? How bout you, Mikey?" I question them angrily as I watch the smiles on their faces grow.
"Sounds great to me, huh Ken-kun?"
"Perfect" Draken states before they bust out in a fit of laughter. "Where's your family?" he asks as he takes a look around.
"Not here, I live alone. My parents got me an apartment as close to Hanagaki and his family as possible, they felt I needed a good influence," I reply from the kitchen, they may be here but I'm still hungry.
"What's for dinner? Why would you need a good influence anyway?" Mikey asks following me into the kitchen.
"Well I'm having soba, you can figure out your own dinner and I just got into some trouble is all, nothing big."
"Ah so mean Y/n-chan, you won't make us dinner," Mikey whines, giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Ugh if you go to the store and get me more ingredients then I will."
"Yay! Ken-kun, go to the store!" Mikey yells skipping into the living room.
"No Mikey I said you have to go!" I yell after him.
"But y/n-"
"Ah ah ah no buts now go or no dinner."
"Ugh okay," he pouts as he slouches towards the door causing me to giggle.
"Nice pajama's by the way," Draken says as he leans on my fridge. Looking up and down at my tank top and the pants I brought back from England which clearly belongs to a man.
"Thank you. They are comfortable," I say trying not to reveal where I got them.
"So whose pants are they?"
"Oh, my um ex-boyfriends." There goes me hiding the truth.
"What happened?"
"He died"
"Shit I'm sorry," he rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke clearly uncomfortable with my answer.
"It's okay, it was a long time ago, in all honesty, I kept the pants just because they are comfy," I giggle as I reached for my water.
"Where's Takemitchy?"
"Out with Hina I think."
"Ya know, I saw your tattoo when I met you but it's even cooler up close," he said now behind me, tracing a finger along the petals of one of the flowers sending chills down my spine, "What's the meaning?"
"A nickname I was given in England"
"So similar to mine."
"Yeah, haha I guess it is," I turn to face him. As Mikey bursts through the door.
"I know why you seem familiar!" he yells entering the apartment and running to the kitchen
"What are you going on about Mikey?" Draken asks just as confused as I am as Mikey drops an old newspaper with the front headline: Viper Strikes New-Cut.
"Shit" I mumble
"That's you isn't it? The mystery gang member from Tottenham who took out an entire gang alone," Mikey looks please with his discovery.
"So you really could kill me huh," Draken looks like he saw a ghost and I feel like I'm gonna puke, nope I'm definitely gonna puke.
"I'm gonna be sick," I say quietly as I run to the bathroom.
As I leave the bathroom I hear a hushed conversation. "She'd be perfect come on Ken-kun."
"Can we talk about this later so I can focus on cooking and keeping my food down?" I ask politely, probably in the nicest tone I've spoken to them.
"Yeah, later," Draken says looking at Mikey.
"Okay, good now you can go watch TV while I cook."

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