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        Dear Diary,

        WOW, school's already been in for a week! It's only felt like a day. Maybe even an hour! Boy, I love school. Seeing my friends all day and learning at the same time! It's so great! Other than Spanish, of course. It's boring, but I'll get to that later.

        My only exception to the school is the lunch. Bleh! It's so nasty. I will never forget my home lunch ever again. Seriously, the lunch tastes like rotten human flesh! (Not that I know how that tastes. . . .) But otherwise, school is awesome.

        I never should have taken Math. Too bad it's required. It's so boring to just sit here in class and listen to the Math teacher ramble on about how--

        "Hey!" Mrs. Herald barked. "Are you taking notes.

        Bonnie looked around and noticed that everyone was suddenly staring at her. Some turned their heads back early, but others' gazes stayed fixed onto Bonnie. It made her so uneasy.

        She looked down at her desk, closed her diary, and put it under her chair. "Sorry, no."

        "Then pay attention. This is important," Mrs. Herald lectured. She sighed and went on with the lesson.

        Bonnie barely paid attention. She could barely keep herself secure in her seat. She wanted to just jump up and run to English right now! Luckily, they only had five minutes until the period was over, but still, she wanted to be in English very badly.

        Out of boredom, she drummed her pencil against the desk and put her elbow on the desk, curling her fingers up into her purple hair. 

        She dyed her hair purple a few years ago and kept it that way for as long as she could remember. In elementary school, people thought that purple hair was the coolest thing in the world. Now, in Junior High, people dismissed it as weird and continued with their day-to-day lives.

        Biiing! Biiing! Biiing!

        Finally! Bonnie sprung out of her seat, collected all of her books and dashed out of the room. Barely able to hold onto the handful of books she had as she sprinted down the hall, she still could run pretty fast. She dodged downlooking 9th Graders and 8th Graders that tried to shove each other. She made it to her English classroom very quickly.

        "Hello, Mrs. Lendon!" Bonnie said cheerfully as she passed her English teacher, made her way to her desk, and sat down.

        In the corner of the room, Bonnie noticed Chica, the most popular girl in the entire 7th Grade, talking to a group of friends. Bonnie wanted to be friends with her, but every time she wanted to talk to her, she froze up and decided not to. She didn't need to be friends with those types of people. She wanted to, but she didn't need to.

        She pulled out her diary, sighed, and decided to continue the entry that she had already been working on.

        Before her pencil was even laid against the smooth white paper, someone said, "Hi, Bonnie."

        Bonnie looked up and saw Chica with her bright eyes looking down at her. Bonnie looked back at her paper and mumbled, "Hello."

        "How are you today?" chirped Chica.

        Bonnie sighed again. She was a little frustrated with Chica. She just wanted to write in her diary. Frustrated she looked up and said, "Okay. Would you please leave me alone?"

        Chica held her hands up like she was innocent of some crime. "Sorry. I just wanted to be your friend."

        Bonnie paused before she would agitatedly go back to her diary. A popular person was asking Bonnie to be their friend? Why was Chica doing this? Was it so that she could pull some hilarious prank on her and humiliate her in front of the school? Or did she just want to be her friend and that was that? Bonnie thought it over for a moment.

        Finally, as Chica was walking away, Bonnie called, "Uh, Chica!"

        The blonde turned around and smiled. "Yeah?"

        "Uhm . . . sure! I'll be your friend." Was she making a mistake? What was she doing? She then decided to let it go and see how Chica responded.

        "Sweet!" she said. "You can come to the lunch table with my friends and I." She was walking out the door when she turned back around and added, "Just to let you know, I like your hair." She then turned back around and headed back out the door. 

        Bonnie's eyes were wide. Did this really just happen? Did Chica, the girl that everyone knew, just compliment and ask Bonnie to be her friend? Unbelievable! She fumbled for her pencil and scribbled out one more passage in her diary:

        Oh my goodness! Chica just asked me to be her friend! And to sit with her at lunch! What's going on? Is the world different and warping around in my head? I have no idea, but I don't care! I can't wait to get to know her and hang out with her. It's so amazing! But, I'll have to see how it goes . . . I don't know how it will go, but I don't care. I'm hanging out with royalty!

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That Time in 1987. . . . (A FNAF Fanfic) (#WATTYS2015)Where stories live. Discover now