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        "What happened?" Chica asked Freddy at the lunchtable the next day. "Bonnie suddenly appeared and was taken somewhere, and Foxy . . . where is Foxy?"

        Freddy shrugged, spooning his chicken noodle soup. "I didn't even notice Bonnie. Whatever she did, it must have been something that would make her disappear. But how? That kind of thing isn't possible."

        Chica put a finger up with her elbow on the table, deep in thought. "I do remember seeing Gold taking Foxy off to that painting. As he drew closer, he seemed to . . . fade from existance. And memory. I don't even know how I remember that."

        "Why?" Freddy asked with his mouth full of noodles.

        Chica had no idea. Why was it she could remember what happened, but couldn't even notice it at the time? It was so strange and queer to her. She shrugged Freddy, stabbing her fork into some home-cooked chicken her mother had made before school. "I think we should go down there again and check it out. Something seems strange about that painting."

        Freddy smiled, holding up a shiny silver key. "I still have the key."

        *        *        *        *        *

        After the final school bell rang, Chica and Freddy had already sneaked off into the school. They sprinted down the hall to Room 13, where they opened the door and disappeared inside. After this, Freddy pried open the floorboard and vanished inside along with Chica.

        Freddy felt for the lightswitch. When his fingers finally met with a brass cube, he flicked it upward and light returned to the area. Chica saw the door that led into the room with the painting right near Freddy. With a gulp, her fingers locked around the doorknob and they both went inside, seeing that the lights were on as well. 

        "Okay, I see the painting in the back. I'll go investigate it." She put her hand on Freddy's shoulder. "You go and find Bonnie and Foxy, okay?"

        Freddy nodded, tipping off his top hat. "Alright." He turned around and started looking around.

        Chica looked back at the painting. It had some sort of man on it. His coat was a strange color. She knew that color, but she couldn't get her finger around it. What was it called? P . . . P. . .

        She slowly started walking toward it. She looked at her hands to make sure she wasn't fading away or anything. She wasn't. She sighed with relief and stared at the painting, trying to see what mysterious qualities it posessed. The only thing she could think of that fit into the category of "mysterious" was that strange color on the man's coat.

        Chica reached up and touched the painting, hoping that something would maybe--

        Everything around her changed. Suddenly, she was in some kind of dark room, only being illuminated by a single blue light. She jumped and shrieked as she started breathing sharp breaths, her head twisting everywhere. When she calmed down, she looked down the hall, seeing where the blue light was coming from.

        Chica walked towards it, passing through and seeing a circular room. The floor tilted downward towards a pedestal with a bright blue orb on it.

        "What do I do?" Chica mumbled. She reached out to the ball and grabbed it for examination, but instead everything around her changed. She jumped again and yelped, looking around at this new place she was in. 

        She was in the painting room, but Freddy, Foxy, and Bonnie could be seen on the other end, sitting on the couch. Chica scratched her head. She was back finally. With a sigh, she walked up to the group, asking, "Do you know what happened?"

        Their heads turned toward her. Once they were looking at her, they stayed that way, staring at her. Chica tilted her head. Why were they looking at her?

        "Go away," Freddy said calmly, turning back to the rest of the group, starting another conversation.

        "Oh . . ." Chica said sadly. She still wanted to talk to them. She wanted to go back home and lay in her comfortable bed. She wouldn't go back without her friends though.

        "C'mon, let's go--" Chica reached out to Freddy's shoulder. When she made contact with him, he vanished, a small pile of dust where he used to sit. Bonnie and Foxy stared at her with very wide eyes, almost angry.

        Chica stared at where Freddy once was with horror. "I-I--"

        Bonnie and Foxy suddenly stood up. They had things in their hands. Chica could see they were concealing them from her. She raised her palms up. "What are you doing? I'm sorry I turned him to dust!"

        They spoke in a synchronized voice. It was haunting to hear it. "Do you really destroy everything you touch?"

        Chica was already pleading. "No! I didn't mean it! I just wanna go back home!"

        Bonnie and Foxy revealed their concealed objects. Chica's heart dropped when she saw that they were holding knives, ready to kill her.

        "No, don't!" she pleaded. "I didn't mean to do it, I swear! Help!" 

        "You don't deserve help," Foxy said, his eyes suddenly glassing over, as though being possessed by something.

        "You don't deserve help," Bonnie echoed in the same voice, her eyes also glassing over. Chica could only watch in horror as her friends approached her with sharp knives, ready to murder her.

        You destroy everything you touch. How could she stop them from attacking her? She didn't want to hurt her friends. That would cost her everything she was! What would Chica do?

        The knives!

        Chica darted forward and tried to touch the knife in Foxy's hand. When she touched it, it disappeared. But what followed made her want to be stabbed by the knives.

        Her elbow made contact with Foxy's chest. With a terrifying scream, Foxy burst into dust, settling on the ground.

        Chica looked at Bonnie, tears forming in her eyes. Bonnie looked up at Chica, tears already struck down her face. "Why did you kill both my friends?" she asked. "Why don't you just lay your own finger on me? Why not on yourself."

        "No! I don't want to do that kind of thi--"

        The floor underneath Chica suddenly exploded into dust. Chica screamed as she fell through, Bonnie falling through as well. Everything was completely black as she looked up through the hole she'd created. She looked at Bonnie. She was very close to Chica--murderously close.

        "Please," Chica mumbled, sobs wrenching at her throat.

        Bonnie's lips suddenly broke out into a smile. She let out a laugh that sounded like a bird. "You know you want to do it. Just do it then." 

        Chica felt a tear spring down her face. She knew what she wanted to do. No one should have died. Absolutely no one should have been touched by Chica.

        "Noooo!" a voice echoed from the distance. "Noooo stop! It's a mistake--"

        It was too late. Chica's fingers softly touched her chest. Pain destroyed her as she felt herself fly everywhere, coming back together again to be crumpled on the floor beneath a painting of a man.

        Where was Freddy? Freddy should have been back by now.

        Chica got up, tears still filling her eyes at what she'd just experienced.

        She just hoped she didn't touch Freddy.

        Chica didn't want to destroy anyone.

That Time in 1987. . . . (A FNAF Fanfic) (#WATTYS2015)Where stories live. Discover now