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"Oh, no . . ." Foxy murmured, turning around and staring at the door. "We're not gonna get out."

"Yes, we are," Chica assured. "But how? I think this is the only exit. When was this place even made? It's super old."

Foxy looked around. All there was was a stage, some tables and chairs, and many glimmering puddles dotting the floor. It was so creepy and unsettling. They just needed to get out.

"Maybe there's some way to the roof," Bonnie suggested quietly, the ghost of seeing Freddy's dead body in the chair shining in her eyes.

Foxy knew that pain. Jonathan seemed so happy when he had broken the news that Freddy had died. How'd he even do it? All Freddy was doing was laying in the chair, silent and unmoving. Had Jonathan put him into a simulation?

"There!" Foxy called, pointing to a wall. He was pointing at a long ladder that spilled from a trapdoor on the roof. "A ladder!"

Foxy started running toward it, as did Bonnie and Chica. Foxy placed his hands on the cold rung and pulled himself up, ascending toward the ceiling. When he was able to touch the ceiling, he pushed the trapdoor up as hard as he could. It budged, but plopped right back down. Foxy climbed up higher, pushing the trapdoor up as hard as he could. He started to leak sweat from his forehead as he finally got the trapdoor up and over. He motioned for Bonnie and Chica to follow as he crawled up and stood on the roof of the building. He looked at the city lights in the distance. They were so beautiful, dazzling his eyes.

Bonnie and Chica got up, standing on the roof with Foxy. "Okay," Chica huffed. "Let's get off of this building soon. I don't know how high we are. Let's just hope they're some sort of ladder to let us down."

"Just hope," Bonnie echoed quietly.

They started walking across the roof, looking around for a ladder or some soft spot on the ground that they could--

CRASH! Something erupted from behind them. The kids whirled around and screamed, looking for the thing that was coming for them.

Something bright purple rose from a pile of debris, enveloped in light. Foxy squinted and let his stomach flip as he realized who it was.

It was Jonathan.

"You thought . . . that you could . . . get away?" he yelled, his voice ripping with rage. His shoulders rose and fell as he stared at the kids with a murderous glare. "Well . . . you can't!"

Suddenly, he threw his arms out in front of him and let the purple light shoot out of it. Foxy braced for a blow, but it never came. Instead, the purple light shot onto the ground in front of them and grew, dividing into four. Each little ball of purple energy started to grow tall and form shapes. They each shook and vibrated as they only grew taller and taller until there were four looming masses in front of the three kids.

There was a bear, a chicken, a fox, and a bunny. Their eyes glowed with intent to harm, staring down at the kids.

"I've had enough of them. Just kill them," Jonathan ordered.

"Oh, and keep one alive. Preferably . . . the blonde."

Chica and Bonnie screamed and ran away as the animals charged forward. Foxy tried to run, but it was too late. The fox already had his ankle, gripping tight. Foxy screamed as he was slowly dragged backward, yelling and calling for help.

He only watched as the rest of the animals sprinted to Chica and Bonnie as they stood helplessly at the edge of the building, staring over the edge. They turned back at the animals, their faces muddy with fear. Foxy couldn't help them. He could only be dragged away by this fox to his certain death.

Someone started screaming.

It started low, a growl from the distance. Then it started to grow, increasing in pitch and volume. Foxy looked around and couldn't find anything. No one's silhouette, no one's screaming voice. That was all he could hear--that loud yell, like a battle cry.

The fox on top of Foxy yelped as something slammed into his side. Foxy crawled away and looked ahead, seeing two dark silhouettes attacking the animals. The animals yelped and turned back into their energy form, flying back to Jonathan.

"Dudes, you okay?" a voice near Foxy asked.

Foxy saw the dark figure put his hand out to him. Foxy took it and pulled back up, standing.

His heart swelled as he suddenly realized who the people were that had come and saved them.

Spring, Mari, and Gold.

That Time in 1987. . . . (A FNAF Fanfic) (#WATTYS2015)Where stories live. Discover now