My confession

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(A/N: This is a fem reader x Yamaguchi chatfic. I'm sorry, this is too short hahaha. Anyways, have fun!)

; You and Yamaguchi are childhood friends. He has a secret crush on you and thinks today is the day to tell you his real feeling.

Yams 🍠💞

Yams 🍠💞: Hello Y/N!

Hey Yams!!! What's up?

Yams 🍠💞: You see, I have this girl that I really like, but I'm too afraid to tell her that I love her...

Just practice it with me 😁

Yams 🍠💞: How?

Just say what you want to say, and I'll respond to it. Easy right?

Yams 🍠💞: Yeah, I guess...


Yams 🍠💞: Yes.
Yams 🍠💞: I love you so much! Whenever I see you or we're just walking together, the world suddenly stopped. I don't know how to do speeches, but I just wanted to tell you that I love you from the bottom of my heart. Can you please be my girlfriend? I promise that I won't hurt you or do something bad to you. I just want to be with you FOREVER. I love you!!

I love you too. Yes, I can be your girlfriend. I know you wouldn't hurt me, becauce you're the kindest person I've ever met! I want to be with you forever too, Yams!!! ❤️
Now go and tell her.

Yams 🍠💞: But, I already did. And I'm happy for that.

I. Am. Shocked.

Yams 🍠💞: Well, if you don't want to, and just say that to cheer me up in case 'she' doesn't respond, I respect you. ☺️

No! I'm just shocked, becauce all the words I'd said was true

Yams 🍠💞: Wait? What?

I love you too, Yams. Honestly, when I read that words, I said to myself "I wish I was that girl, becauce that girl will be the luckiest girl in the world to have you." (How many "girl" did I just said? Hahaha)

Yams 🍠💞: Yes she is. You are the luckiest girl in the world, darling. I love you ( ◜‿◝ )♡

(A/N: Thank you for reading! Hope you had fun! ❤️)

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