Special gift

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I haven't wrote anything for awhile, so expect the difference between the first stories and this.

Couples/Ship: TsukiYama
I wrote this, at exactly 12:00 AM, becauce I got too excited for Yamaguchi's birthday. I love him so much!!! ❤️ Happy birthday, Yamaguchi! 🥳


Eleven years old Tsukkiyama, saw a puppy while walking down the street. Yamaguchi, run towards the puppy and pet her immediately. Tsukishima, of course, he went to Yamaguchi.

"Tadashi, we don't know her, please stay away from her. She might have a virus or something." The taller boy said.
"But Tsukki, she's so cuteeee" the freckled boy whined.
Tsukishima sighed in defeat and said "on your 18th birthday, I would give you a puppy. So please, leave her alone."
"You promise?" Yamaguchi asked, with full of hope.
"Of course" Tsukishima unsurely said.

He doesn't know what he had done, but as long as it makes Yamaguchi happy, he's fine with it.
Yamaguchi beamed, because of what his best friend's respond. So with full of trust, he said "okay, thank you, Tsukki!" With happiness written on his face.

7 years later
6:00 AM

Tsukishima is in his bed with uneasiness all over his body. Maybe it's because, he didn't got enough sleep last night? or maybe because, he's just a little too excited for this special day? He specifically didn't know.
There's only one way to remove the uneasiness that lingered over his body. He needs to call Yamaguchi. But the problem is it's too early in the morning, he knew the birthday boy's still sleeping. Of course, he knew. He always knew.

But what if he got up early, becauce he's also excited? It's not like Tsukishima is eager to see Yamaguchi's cute face, when he received his gift. Nope, nuh-uh. He just wanted to see his reaction. Yup, that's it.

He got up from his bed, and took his glasses and phone. He stared at the phone for like an hour, thinking if he really should call Yamaguchi or not. After 7 minutes, he called his best friend.
The phone rang 5 times, until Yamaguchi answered.

"Hello, Tsukki. Good morning" the freckled boy said. His voice is deep from sleeping.
"Good morning, Tadashi. Sorry for waking you up" the blonde bluntly uttered.
"Oh no, it's okay. What do you need?" Yamaguchi quickly responded.
"I just wanted to greet you a Happy birthday" Tsukishima flatly said.
"What?" Yamaguchi asked. Really, he didn't know it was his birthday until Tsukishima said it. Yamaguchi stayed quiet for a minute, trying to process his brain. Tsukishima didn't break the silence though. "Oh- OH it's my birthday!! Tsukki, it's my birthday!!!" Yamaguchi shouted excitedly. But Tsukishima doesn't care about it, he needs to say the next words.
"Yamaguchi, be quiet. It's too early. Listen to me, please." His words are more like a command, than asking for permissions.
"Oh. Sorry, Tsukki. Please continue" Yamaguchi uttered.
"Do you want to know what your gift is?" Tsukishima asked.
"Yup, yes, Tsukki. I would love to!"
"Come over to my house."
"Like, right now?" It's too early. Yamaguchi thought to himself.
"Yes, right now." Tsukishima semi-shouted. Of course, Yamaguchi, quickly obeyed.
"Yes, Tsukki. I'm coming over, right now." And with that, Tsukishima ends the call.

Yamaguchi quickly grabbed his coat and slowly comes down the stairs, so that no one will wake up.
Tsukishima's house is only 3 blocks away from them, so he can get in there easily.
While walking, Yamaguchi thought to himself 'what could be his gift? why did he want me to come over just to give his gift?'  The thoughts run through his brain, that he didn't realize he's already in Tsukishima's house.
He was going to ring the doorbell, but Tsukishima already opened the door for him.

"Hi" Yamaguchi shyly said. He thinks, Tsukishima hates him.
"Come here," Tsukishima said as he pulled Yamaguchi into a hug. "I'm sorry." He added.
"It's okay, Tsukki" Yamaguchi muffled through Tsukishima's shirt. "So, what's your gift, hmm?" Yamaguchi asked, trying not to be excited in this situation.
"Oh yeah, wait" Tsukishima said as he slowly pulled away.
He goes upstairs, while Yamaguchi is in the living room, waiting for him.

After a while, Tsukishima came down holding... something. That 'something', has a pink collar around its neck and... furry.
When Tsukishima reached the freckled boy, Yamaguchi's eyes are big enough to fit a whole person in his eyes, if that's even possible. His mouth formed an 'o' shape. He really couldn't believe it, it's a dog- no a puppy!
"Ts- Tsukki I- ahh- WAHHHHHHH" Yamaguchi couldn't help but cry.
"Wh- why are you crying?" Tsukishima panicky asked.
"It- it's just, I- I'm so happy, I feel like, I- I could burst any time" Yamaguchi explained.
Tsukishima scoffed.
"Wha- what's so funny?" Yamaguchi asked while sniffling.
"I'm sorry, I'm just surprised by your reaction" Tsukishima quickly apologized while holding his laugh.
"Shut up," Yamaguchi frowned. "So you remembered, huh?" He added.
"Of course, I would. If I didn't, I would've been sleeping for now," Tsukishima smiled. "You know, I couldn't properly sleep last night. I asked myself why, but now I know. I wanted to give you this special puppy for your special day. The puppy that makes me realized that I'm in love with you, the puppy that makes me realized that happiness is with me all this time. I like you, Tadashi" he said as he gives the puppy to Yamaguchi.

The silence stayed like that for awhile, until Tsukishima spoke.
"I'm sor-" "That's good, Tsukki," Tsukishima suddenly cutted off.  "I like you too" Yamaguchi brightly smiled at him.
Tsukishima let out a breath he never thought he was holding.
"But you need to sleep." Yamaguchi playfully rolled his eyes.
"Of course, I would do that"
They both giggled.
"By the way, what's her name?" Yamaguchi asked while looking at the puppy.
"I don't know, I'm too lazy to think of any names." Tsukishima bluntly said.
"You're sometimes a dumbass" Yamaguchi said with a straight face.
"But, I AM your dumbass" the blonde said.
"Yeah, yeah" the green-haired boy said in defeat. "Let's just name her 'destiny'" Yamaguchi added.
"Why?" Tsukishima asked.
"Becauce, she's the reason why we're here. And this is our destiny. We're destined to be together, forever."
"Oh. Okay" Tsukishima will never gonna admit it, but he indeed blushed.
"Now, it's time for you to sleep." Yamaguchi 'angrily' said.
"What? But we need to prepare for your birthday." Tsukishima said in protest.
"The preparation can wait," Yamaguchi said smiling at him. "Come on" he hold his hand and pulled him upstairs, to his bedroom.

Tsukishima silently smiled as the love of his life, took care of him while holding him in his arms.

And on his birthday.


I'm obsessed with puppies. I want to have one, but sadly, one of my family member is afraid of dogs. I hope you had fun reading it, thank you! ♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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