Biosphere? Lithosphere? Sorry, but losing you is my biggesphere

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(A/N: This is a TsukiYama story. They're my comfort ship, I really love them! Anyways, I hope you'll like this. Enjoy!)

; Biosphere? Lithosphere? Sorry, but losing you is my biggesphere.

~Your one and only, Tsukki

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi are dating for 5 years. Tsukki got bored and decided to chat Yams telling him that he really loves him so much. As he said those words,

"Biosphere? Lithosphere? Sorry, but losing you is my biggesphere."

Yamaguchi started tearing up he don't know why, maybe because he really loves him so much? Then, Yams typed on his keyboard these words

"Marry me, Tsukki I want to live with you forever. Let's start a family together!" 

Yamaguchi didn't mean to send those words, but his tears falls and the tears is the one who sended it. Tsukki was shocked but happy at the same time. While Yams, started lying which he is not good at. Tsukki knows that Yamaguchi don't know how to lie, so he just go with the flow. He said

"Okay, as you say so babe 😉"

Yams don't know what to do, he's really nervous. 'What if he's just joking?' 'Is he really gonna marry me?' 'What am I gonna do?!' 'Damn you, tears!' Those were the words running on his mind.

While rethinking his life choice, Yams heard someone knocking at his door. It was Tsukki with a small box. He tried his best not to faint and opened the door for Tsukki. Yams were shocked when he saw Tsukki kneeling down on the front door while saying these words

"Tadashi Yamaguchi, I loved you from the very beginning. Even if everyone knows that I'm a salty person, I still have a soft side when it comes to you. You're the one for me, and I'm the one for you. I'm sorry when sometimes you talk to me, I always shut you up. I just didn't know what to act when you're with me. But now, I have the guts to say these words. So... He didn't even realize that tears started running down from his eyes. Tadashi, can I change your surname into Tsukishima?"

Yamaguchi was very happy, so without second thought he said "Yes!" Yams thought he would say 'Will you marry me?' But it's Tsukki, he always have surprises.

Tsukki stood up while crying. Both of them cried because of happiness.

Yams, usually cries in every stuff like watching a sad movie, reading a sad books etc. But it's his first time seeing Tsukki cries. Tsukki immediately hug Yams tightly. After that, he kissed Yams on the lips. Tsukki ended those kisses and said

"I love you, my future Tadashi Tsukishima!"

That day was the memorable day on their life.

(A/N: God, I legit love them like- LOVE. I would definitely kill if they ask me to. So yeah, I'm sorry if this is short, but I hope you liked it! Thank you for reading.)

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