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"Hey mum, how's it up there in New York?" I try to talk to my mum but every since she ran off with that model boy instead of staying with me and my dad, "forgive and forget" Is easier said than done.

Struggling with my anorexia has been hard, also questioning at the same time. I think it hurts most because my dad is almost like her, doesn't give a shit in the world about me. He sees me loosing and gaining wait and says nothing, he sees how sick i am and yet he still says "you will be fine" i'm not fine dad. I have been on the brink of death countless times and all you could think about was yourself? please dad, think about me, CARE about me. How can you not notice? the multiple weekends with Phoebe. YOUR SISTER, you don't even have the effort to care for me, your own daughter but your sister does?

Phoebe is the only one who knows about my eating disorder. She was the one who pays for the hospital bills, she was the one who drove me back and forth. she was the one who called 000 (triple 0 is the emergency number in australia) when i overdosed on pills.

You didn't even try to get into contact with me, fucking pathetic. Phoebe is like a mother figure to me, Always there when i need her, Drive me to school when i didn't have the energy, She was the one i went to when i needed advise, She was the one i went to when i got my first period (not that i get it anymore). She was the one who showed me how to use a tampon.


i told hope i would be there at 10:40, it's 11:15. instead of being there for my best friend i was fighting with my pathetic excuse for a father. I decided to storm out, Hope needs me since she failed her driving test countless times and i was going to make sure i was there. I quickly needed to clean myself up, put some mascara on and put my hair into a braid. Hopefully this party was going to take my mind off things.

"Girl what took you so long?" Hope and i's parenting situation where completely opposite. Both her parents were present in her young childhood and care too much for her. Mine were never there and my mother doesn't even bother to call me.

When we get there it's all so loud and distracting. Something was going on over near the pool, i wasn't really interested, Hope was though, i knew that she gets distracted easily so in the mean time i went to go get a drink, i needed something to lighten my mood. The fruit punch sucked, it was still alcohol though so it was bound to make me happier.
"Hey, Cassandra right?" turning around i see this absolute MAN. Fluffy brown hair,tall, masculine, basically my dream guy. I knew he was a freshman in college by the forming beard on his chin and upper lip, that wouldn't stop me though.

"Yeah, Cassie actually and you are?" i knew damn well what this FINE mans name was but you don't really want to be that girl who knows everyone's name.
"Flynn, i saw you getting some punch and wanted to come over and ask you to dance" holy shit, this guy seriously did not just ask me to dance with him. I knew it was wrong to just ditch Hope like that so i went back to her, she didn't seem fazed that i left so i led her to some of our other friends so she could talk with them.

I went back to Flynn so i could catch that dance with him. It took a while to find him but once i did he didn't miss a beat. We danced and danced and danced. It was like my own little fairytale, but with a twist.

It was all going smoothly until he asked me to get inside his car and drive to Chick-Fil-A ( i'm really sorry if i spelt that wrong i tried to pick an american fast food 😭) How could i tell him i can't eat without throwing up my whole immune system. I agreed to go with Flynn, i didn't tell him about my eating disorder, only that i didn't feel like eating.

When i hopped in his car it had the strong stench of drugs,alcohol and cigarettes. Not going to lie it kind of threw my off a little bit, if i was going to have this mans baby i don't want him to be doing a line of coke in the hospital room right before i give birth to his children.

When we got to chick-fil-a he ordered what he wanted and then drove back to the party to drop me off. It was a bit disappointing that we didn't have sex but i guess i would rather save ur lovely dick for next time than loose my virginity in the back of your car.

Getting back to the party it only got louder and more people came, i tried looking for Hope everywhere, it's like she evaporated into thin air, where is this bitch?

Eventually i gave up looking for Hope, i knew that one of our other friends would give her a lift home, i just didn't have the energy tonight.

When i got into the car and drove home it was really boring, not having Hope in the car made me upset, we always went everywhere together.

When i got home the smell of alcohol filled my nose. My father was up.

"Hey dad, what are you doing up? it's almost 3 in the morning?" i knew he was going to be upset with me for being out so late and having school the next morning. Walking up to him i heard lightly muffled noises, The idiot had fallen asleep in his chair, i laid a blanket over him to keep him warm. Even though my father was never there for me, i still loved him.

As i'm putting a blanket over his body i see a letter with a gold wax seal on the back, i pick it up seeing that it was addressed to me.

When i opened the letter there was nothing much but a bunch of coordinations, and a date.

Why the fuck am i getting a letter?
Tomorrow is the date, i am contemplating if i should go, i don't want to get murdered there is still so much i want to do, like have flynn's child.

I guess only time will tell.

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