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"Radish come here boy!" You yelled but not too loud. Just loud enough for people about six feet away can hear.

Walking after you was a boy with long black hair tied in a ponytail with a few bangs loose.

Hyakkimarru and you are currently walking through the school hallways. Looking for a missing dog.

One of your classmates decided to bring their dog to school, and the dog named Radish, managed to run away without being noticed. And right now your classmate requested you to go and find the dog.

Basically almost everybody in school knows the Helpers squad. It was supposed to be a club but most of the members in it are close friends of yours and they don't even go to school here except you and Hyakkimarru.

So you decided to name it as Helpers squad instead.

"Come here Radish. Where are you?" Y/n asked in a singsong like voice.

It was still lunch break so you still have a few minutes before class starts. But you have to be cautious of the teachers. Especially... 𝘏𝘌𝘙.

"Hey Marru, I think you should go to your classroom. It's a bit farther than mine so I think it's better of you go there while I'll look for Radish." You suggested to your dear friend Hyakkimarru.

Hyakkimarru is a year older than you so his classroom is in the the other side of school.

Hyakkimarru just gave you a nod, and went on his way, as you continued to search for Radish.

"Radish! Come here!" You said out loud which earned you a few looks from your schoolmates.

'Why were you calling for a Radish?' was what they thought.

You simply ignored them, and continued to look for the papillon.

'I just don't get it, why on Earth would she bring her pet to school' you thought 'I mean c'mon you'll get on trouble for tha-' "Yip!"

A barely audible bark interrupted your thoughts. Looking to where it came from, IT WAS RADISH!

"Come here Radish..." You slowly approached the small papillon who just stared at you.

When you were close enough you quickly grabbed Radish and ran to your classroom.

The papillon didn't react much, they were simply wagging their tail.

"You are in a lot of trouble for making me and Hyakkimarru look for you pipsqueak." You mumbled to the dog while running to your classroom.

You were so close to your room, just a few feet away, but all of a sudden a hand was placed on your shoulder causing you to flinch and screech.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! STAY AWAY FROM ME MOTHER-" you turned around to see Mrs. Periwinkle who had a serious expression on her face. "Fudge chocolate fountain sweetness overload without causing health problems?"

'Shit! I-its, it's 𝘏𝘌𝘙!' you mentally cursed.

Mrs. Periwinkle is very well known in the whole school for her strict, and stern way of teaching and somehow for always catching students breaking rules. The only thing that didn't made her the best employee was that she was quite forgetful on certain things but not the lessons.

"Hi... Ummm... Good day Mrs. Periwinkle." You greeted her with a small bow.

Looking at your form, seeing the dog being carried by you happily wagging it's tail, she slowly shakes her head and crosses her arms.

"U-ummm about this..." You let out an awkward laugh to try and loosen the tense atmosphere.

It didn't work, instead it made it even more awkward.

"A dog?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow at you.

Just her speaking makes you sweat bullets and let the ground eat you up.

'I should've ran faster' you thought as you cried crocodile tears.

"I guess you'll be in detention, 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯,  Ms. L/n. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Now go back to class." And with that Mrs. Periwinkle left.

"Damn it..." You quietly mumbled and went inside your classroom.


"...?" Hyakkimarru came to pick up Y/n so they could go to their base and do requests. But he didn't see her inside her classroom.

"Oh! Hyakkimarru! You looking for Y/n?" Asked the girl with short brown hair.

Hyakkimarru remembered her, she's Aoi, the one who took the dog to school today.

He simply gave her a nod to answer her question.

"She got detention, Mrs. Periwinkle thought she brought the dog. She looked so down when she came in the classroom earlier too..." Aoi said while looking down, feeling guilty.

Hyakkimarru nodded, knowing very well why you were feeling down. You promised the squad that after today's requests you guys will have fun on a little shopping cart you guys found.

Hyakkimarru then left to go to the detention room.

A few minutes of walking he almost arrived at the detention room when someone suddenly grabbed his arm and pulled him towards them.

Ready to defend himself, Hyakkimarru let out a sigh of relief.

It was you.

"C'mon Marru, let's go before they'll noticed I'm gone..." You whispered to him.

This is one of the perks of Mrs. Periwinkle's disadvantage.

Understanding that you escaped from detention you two quickly left to got to the front of the school to change shoes.

While going there you two had to be cautious of 𝘏𝘌𝘙... She could pop out at any moment and you and Hyakkimarru would be goners.

Arriving at the front of the school, you and Hyakkimarru quickly changed shoes and walked out of the school.

"Phew! We made it!" You laughed whole heartedly, both hands on your waist as you puff your chest out.

This caused Hyakkimarru to slightly smile at you.

"Yeah... We made it..."


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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐝: Tokyo Rev.var! x Female reader! (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now