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Loud chants can be heard from the sidelines of the make believe fighting ring. Standing in the so called "ring" was a teen who had dark hair. He was called Kiyomasa. He cracked his knuckles ready to beat the crap out of his opponent.

But his opponent just stood their with a stoic face. He didn't frown nor did he grimaced. To afar he seemed like he was stunned but he isn't. He's just standing there.

"And let the fight begi-"

"I found you!"

Everyone turned to see a girl there. Standing with a bunch of kids. They looked like they were running for a while.

"We finally found you!"


"And done! That's the last box that was needed to taped up!"

"Thank you Y/n, we really appreciate it." Ayumi a friend of your mom said.

She was moving out to a new home tomorrow and she needed help with her things. So you took the opportunity to do it for her.

It was in the afternoon and the helpers squad were doing their usual duties. Helping!

Dororo was tasked to take care of a store and help sell things.

Emma was walking home a few dogs.

Ray and Norman were helping the librarian in the public library to look for misplaced books.

And Hyakkimarru was in the school area being asked to redo his homework since he accidentally left it at his home.

You all made plans for a simple hangout later.

Lifting the last box and gently putting it in her car, everything is now ready for her when she will move out tomorrow.

"Thanks a lot Y/n! Phew, I thought I had to lift and box everything by myself. I appreciate the help." Ayumi said as she closed the back of her car.

"You know it's no problem Ayumi-san. I mean we are called the Helpers squad for a reason..." You said to her causing for her to lightly giggle at you.

Stretching your arms above your head hearing a satisfying crack you stood there asking of she had anything else for you to do.

Saying that she can handle it and thanking you, you gave her a smile and left to go and look for the others.

~a little timeskip~

You, along with Dororo, Emma, Norman, and Ray, were now walking to your school to fetch Hyakkimarru.

"I can't wait to see big bro! What about you boss?" Dororo asked you smiling happily.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐝: Tokyo Rev.var! x Female reader! (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now