Chapter 12

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Addison’s POV

I stood in the fitting room just looking at half-naked self in the mirror; I didn’t really know what to think about myself. I never considered myself as fat or skinny. Most girls these days think it’s best to be the smallest they can be and then they hurt themselves trying to get that way. That’s all wrong and no one should do that. I didn’t think I had that perfect Barbie look and I’m fine with that, I can except myself the way that I am and more people need to do that too. I think this idea of me being in a beauty pageant is clearly mad but if it will help boost my confidence I guess I could go through with it. There was a knock on the door.

“Addison? Are you decent? We’ve got a problem.” It was Harry’s voice.

“No not really. What’s wrong?” I said talking loudly so they could hear me form the other side of the door.

“Well the dress you needed just got bought” Liam said. “By Natalie.”

“What?! She’s sot a size 6. Why in the world would she want that?”

“Because she’s adding something to the top.”

I sighed, the dress that I needed was gone, stolen by the Barbie herself.

“So we are going to find you an even better dress.” Niall said

“Guys, you really don’t haft to go through all this trouble.”  

“No, no we want to do it.” Louis must have arrived as we were talking. “I found some more dresses, here.” He started handing me the dresses over the door.

There was a strapless red one, another blue one but not as light as the other one, and a lavender one, all with simple sparkly designs.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“Good job Louis! I’ll try them on!”

“I know, I’m a genius!”

I laughed at his true statement as I started pulling on the first dress of many.

Harry’s POV

About an hour has passed and Addison has tried on too many dresses to count. Every single one looked fantastic on her but she wasn’t really feeling it. I still think the light blue one might have been the best but that’s not an option now so we were forced to move on.  I got bored after a while and so did Addison, everyone but Louis seemed ready to leave but we still had much to do.

“So are you going to set up something special with Addison?” Zayn said sitting on a couch next to me.

“I don’t know. I really want to but I don’t know what to do.” I said disappointed with myself, I’m usually good with this kind of stuff.

“Dinner, maybe a film?” He asked. 

“No, I feel like it needs to be more special than that.”

“Well happy thinking.”

 “Ok, I think I really like this one!” Addison walked in and I looked up to see her in a rose pink dress with thin straps and sequins along the top and at the waist.

“It looks good! Turn around.” Louis said and Addison obeyed.

“I like it because the back looks like the outline of a butterfly, don’t you think?” She asked as she pulled her long hair over her shoulder for a clear view. She was right, the back of the dress was opened and the thin pink straps looped around like the wings of a butterfly and through a diamond loop and back up around the shoulders. I couldn’t help but looking a little bit lower. Then she turned back around.

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