Fake couple

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This idea was sparked from a memory of when me and a friend pretended to date because another friend thought we got together based off a post I made.

Draco walked around hogsmeade, window shopping mostly. He was bored and was looking for something to do.
He noticed a new store was built and strolled over to have a look.
"Sorry, no entry." Said the doorman.

"What? Why not?"

"This is a couples only restaurant, no singles allowed."

"How dare you, to insinuate that I'm single." He dramatically said.
"If you don't have anyone, you can't come in." His voice boomed.

Draco was quick witted, and said the first thing that popped in his head. "I'll be back, with my partner." He sneers as he walks off.
But he mentally kicked himself, now he had to find someone to pretend to be his date, just to prove that guy wrong.
He wandered around trying to find anyone, but most of the people were either too old, or already holding hands with someone.
"Damn, how can I get a partner?"

"Harry, watch out."

"Why you so dazed mate?"

"Sorry, I just- lost my footing."
Draco looks at the trio as they walked across the way, his heart skips a beat when he saw Harry.
He could never ask him, he had sworn to hate the boy who lived, and try to get rid of him for the dark lord. But truthfully, he was in love with Harry.

"I either die from embarrassment of being rejected, or by the dark lord when he finds out I went on a date with his enemy. Screw it." He takes a deep breath and walks over to Harry.

"What does he want?" Ron sneers towards draco.


"What is it, Malfoy?"

"I have something to ask you. It's a bit strange, but you would like to go to lunch with me?"
The trio was shocked, Harry the most. With his mouth agape he didn't know how to respond.

"Um, is that the question or do you want to have lunch to talk about it?" He finally spoke.

"Well, that's all I wanted to ask you. I can explain it more at lunch. But just the two of us." He side eyed Ron and hermione.

Ron and hermione tried to interject, but he waved them off, "I'll see you later."
"So um, you have to hold my hand."


"Because this brute said the restaurant is couples only and it annoyed me, I told him I'd come back with my partner, so just pretend we're together so I can make him feel stupid for calling me single."

"Wow, that's petty even for you." He laughs.

"Shut up, I'll pay for lunch."
Harry couldn't  say no to free lunch, even if it was Malfoy who was paying.

"Hello again, I have my boyfriend with me now." Draco says confidently.

"Welcome, please enjoy your time." His tone was different, flirtatious.

"What kind of place is this?" Harry asked Draco as they walk through the doors, his answer was the sight in front of them.
Multiple couples sat at tables, with a couple on a stage, half naked and being auctioned off.
"Welcome, are you new?" Said a hostess, who was dressed as a bunny.
"Sorry, I don't think this was the right place." Draco blushed softly.

"But you said you wanted to go here, babe." Harry grins at him.

"Don't be shy, new comers don't join in on the auction right away. Let's get you seated."
They follow her to a table in front of the stage, "what can I get you to drink?"

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