Mafia part 2

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Harry was woken up by his phone ringing, he groans and fumbles to find it.
"Here." Draco handed it to him.
"Thanks." He groans again when he sees who's calling, "potter." He sighs.

"We got him, turns out the black dragon is a woman." Says his boss.

"Wait what? How is the black dragon a woman?" He frantically looked at Draco.

"Pansy." Draco whispered shaking his head.

"She told us everything, stuff that no one else would know."

"Wow, I would never guess it. How did you catch her?"
He sits up and puts his glasses on while draco gets a glass of water.

"She was in the middle of a scam, trying to sell guns that were faulty."

"Really? That's pretty lame don't you think?" Harry put him on speaker so draco could hear too.

"I know, we caught her and she proudly said who she was and detailed explained everything."

"And you believe her, she could be a worker of him."

"The black dragon was known for never being seen. You could be right, but let's just see if things die down, if they do then she's the black dragon, if not well you still have a chance to get him."
Harry looks to Draco, who was scrolling on his phone.
"I'll stay in town for a few days to keep an eye out."

"Alright. See you soon."

He hangs up and Draco busted out laughing.
"What a damn idiot, all of them. Haha, faulty guns, ha wha-haha, I cant believe this." He rolled on the bed continuing to laugh.

"Draco. It's not that funny."

"You're right, it's absolutely hilarious." His laugh was becoming contagious, Harry started to chuckle.
"You're cute when you laugh." Harry says.
He stops instantly.

"Don't call me cute, I'm a mafia boss. Nothing about me is cute."

"I beg to differ. You're voice is cute, you're messy hair is cute."
He flicked his hands up to fix it quickly.
"You're little freckles on your cheeks are cute, and."

"Alright, shut up before I pin you down and plow your ass again." Draco sneered.

"It's still a little sore, I couldn't handle it." He joked.

"You like it though." Draco smirks.

"Anyways. Word will get out the black dragon is in jail, will your people go into hiding?"

"Most likely. I've found some loyal followers, they don't do anything unless I say." He smirked.

"What made you want to be a mafia boss?"

"Money, power, and bitches."
Harry rolled his eyes, then looked down at himself and realized he was still naked. Quickly covering himself with the blanket.
"Awe, is someone getting shy now?"

"Shut up, where are my clothes?"

"Over there." He points to a chair across the room.
Harry sighs heavy and keeps the blanket around him as he gets up, stumbling a bit he walks over to his clothes. All of the sudden his blanket is ripped off.

"You look better naked."

"Shut up."

"What happened to the sexy and submissive FBI agent I had in bed last night?"

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