The dream

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This is an AU where Harry was put into the Slytherin house.  Enjoy

Harry pulls Neville into the bathroom after class.
"What's up Harry?"
"I need help, I had a weird dream." he said slightly frantic.
"You want to understand it or something?"
"Yeah. Um." He looks around to make sure no one was around to listen.

"It was me and malfoy, he was showing me the lake, and talking about mermaids in it." He lowered his voice.
"I've never heard of mermaids in the black lake, but I could ask one of the professors."
"No, Neville, that's not it. When we were looking at the lake, he called me, beautiful, and grabbed my hand, but then I woke up." His voice was just a whisper by the time he was done talking, it was a miracle that Neville could still hear him.

"Oh, I get it." Neville thought for a moment.
"Are you wondering if that has any meaning?"
"Yeah, I've never had a dream like that before, definitely not about a guy."
"Have you ever dated anyone?"
"I'm eleven, why would I date someone?"
"Well, I don't know."
"Forget it, lets get to class."

They had Professor Snape next, potions should be fun.
Harry was wrong if he thought this was going to be fun, he's on one side of the room while Neville is on the other.
And his partner was of course Malfoy, What was the universe doing to him?
Harry tried to do his work and ignore the blond, including that dream.
But every so often he would lean over and ask a question.

"Oi, are you even doing your work?"
"Um, yeah, I was just thinking." He stammered.
"Well, then how do you make a polyjuice potion?"
"We're not even learning how to make that, it's draught of peace."
"So you were paying attention, you seemed to be off so I decided to test you." Draco smirked.
"I don't need to be tested, just leave me alone." His tone came off a bit harsher than he wanted it.
"What's the matter with you? Scared to be social, Potter?"
"Don't say my name like that. Just, let me be."
He turned away and hid his face.

Draco glared at him then went back to his own work. "Fine, be that way."

At dinner Harry sat at the very end of the table, as far from Malfoy as possible. Which also meant being away from Neville, since he likes to sit in the same spot all the time.
There were a few spots open around him, which was good, he didn't really want to be by anyone, but he needed to eat.
"God, why am I cursed to think like this?" He whispers to himself.

At night, he laid in bed unable to sleep, staring at the ceiling.
Afraid to sleep actually, he didn't want to have that dream again. What did it mean?
He's never had feelings like this, is that what this is, feelings? He's never had feelings like this before, is it normal to feel like this? To a boy? What about a girl? He hasn't really seen any girl that has made him feel what he feels whenever he looks at Malfoy.
So it's just Malfoy, why him? What's so special about Draco Malfoy?

He turns over to look at the sleeping boy, and there he knew what made him special.
The moon light lit him up like an angel, he was breathtaking. He was absolutely gorgeous, glowing with the moon light.
"Fuck, I'm in trouble." He whispered.

The morning was not Harry's friend, as the sun blinds him and makes his eyes hurt even worse. He didn't sleep much, maybe three hours total he slept.
Waking up every ten minutes it seemed, did he even go into a full sleep?
Probably not.

Breakfast was annoying as Neville asked questions none stop.
Harry made the mistake of looking away from Neville as he rambles and made eye contact with Malfoy. He was across the table just a few seats away.
He quickly looks away with a tint of pink on his cheeks. He was thankful Neville and others didn't see it, unfortunately Draco definitely noticed.

Bless Merlin that he didn't have any class today so he hid away in the common room of Slytherin house.
He hid in the corner sitting on a bean bag with a blanket over him.

Some time had passed and he fell asleep, his foot falls off the stool he had them resting on and hit a shelf. A small thump sounded but didn't alert anyone.
He started to stir and he kicked the stool, it scratched across the floor in a loud ear splitting noise. He was so deep in slumber that he did not wake from it; that wasn't said for the one other person in the common room.
A figure walks around the bookshelf, in search of the sound and found the sleeping Harry Potter.
He pouts down at him, then smiles at how cute he looks.

"Draco, where are you?"
He turns sharply and went to pansy who called him.
Eventually Harry woke up, when he walked around the shelf he spots Draco sitting by the fire by himself.
Why? Of all people, does it have to be him? He thinks to himself.
He's alone thankfully, where is everyone?
"Potter. Potter, you finally awake?"
"How did you know I was back here?" He came out of hiding.

"You caused a bit of noise with that stool, you must have kicked it." He stared into the fire as he spoke. Harry was free to blush without him seeing it.
"Did you not get much sleep?"
"Huh? Um no."
"So you sleep in the corner?"
"It was pretty comfy back there, nothing to um, distract me."
"What's there to distract you when you're in bed?" He finally looked at Harry.
"Y-um, people. I don't like sleeping around so many people." He said nervously.
"Shame, that's the whole point of a dorm. Sharing a room with others."
"Yeah, it's sucks." He looks at the floor but he can still feel the silvery cool gaze of Draco Malfoy.
"You're, peaceful when you sleep."
"What does that mean?"
"You look like you were having a nice dream. You looked, beautiful."
Harry's eyes widened, his cheeks burned with blush.

He didn't say anything, Draco couldn't help but smile at him. He slowly made his way towards Harry.
"Wha-what are you doing?"
"We may not be by the lake, but you still look beautiful."
"Wait what? How, why, I don't understand." Harry stutters like an idiot. And Draco laughs at him.
"You were being suspicious with longbottom, whispering in the corner in the hall. He was really easy to press I got him to tell me everything in five minutes." He was very smug about that.

There was a bit of a silence for a moment, until Draco spoke again.
"I like you, Harry."
"I, um what? You like me? How?"
"More than a friend." He takes a step closer.
"Um what happened to everyone? Wasn't there more people in here?" Harry backed up but he hit the bookshelf.
"I made them all leave once I found you. Told them that there were mermaids in the lake."
"Merlin's beard, Neville." He rolls his eyes.
"So, having a dream about me? Does that mean you like me too?"
Unintelligent words sputter from his mouth, Draco just laughed.

"What do we do?" He finally spoke.
Draco didn't say anything, he just closed the gap between them and places his hand on Harry's cheek; he closed his eyes unsure what will happen.
Something soft and wet touched his lips, Draco's lips were on his and he was so gentle, treating Harry like he was glass.
He pulled away, Harry was surprised he moved away.
"I like that."
"What? The kiss, or me saying your name?"
"Both. Do it again."
"Harry, will you be my boyfriend?"
"If that means I can kiss you whenever I want then yes."
They kiss again, a little more passionate than before. When they pulled away they pressed their foreheads together.
"That does sound nice."

Fixed a few errors, if you say anymore please let me know.

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