Very merry christmas

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Christmas time at hogwarts was the most magical time of the year.
Everyone was always amazed to watch the ceiling of the great hall change to look like a galactic Christmas tree, and a bunch of pine trees spring up all down the halls decorated in different colors.
Draco Malfoy was particularly merry for once, and everyone was wondering if he was enchanted by someone.

"Draco sweetheart, I love seeing you happy, but this is just too much, it's not like you at all." Pansy cringed as she watched him put on a Santa hat to go with his bright green shirt.

"Kiss my ass, this is the real me. my father is in Azkaban, and this is our last year. No one can tell me to hide or do anything I don't want to do."

"You're father really was a horrible person."

"And a coward. Mother was even worse, she was practically in love with Voldemort." He shudders as a chill went down his spine grossed out by both his parents.
"Anyway, What should I do to get his attention today?" Draco smiles.

"Oh I'm sure your outfit will do the trick." She giggles.

"I know, I'll put flowers on the table for him." He ignored her comment.

"Oh how cute, what are you going to give him tomorrow? It's Christmas after all?"

"I don't know yet. Lets go to breakfast."

Draco watched Harry as he ate, keeping focus and said a spell that made flowers appear in front of the Gryffindor hero.
"What is this?" Harry is shocked as he stops eating.

"Who did that? Is there a note?" Hermione asked.
He searched in the flowers and found a little piece of paper, "to the one I've always loved. DM." He looked at his friends, "who's DM?"

"Someone's obviously sliding into your DMs Harry." Dean laughed.

"That muggle slang isn't funny dean." Ron rolled his eyes.
Pansy couldn't help but laugh a little at them trying to figure it out. Draco got a bit red faced and left early.
"Draco, where are you going? Did I do something?" Pansy called after him but he kept walking.
Harry heard pansy and watched Draco leave the great hall.
"No way, DM. Draco Malfoy." Harry was in deep thought about everything that had happened over the last year.

"Oi mate, you alright?" Ron asked as he stuffs his face with bread.

"Yeah, just thinking."

Harry flew around the quidditch pitch piecing everything together.
"Merlin's beard! He really just wanted to be my friend. And with how his parents were, I can see how he wasn't really good with showing emotions, or wasn't allowed to. But, the note said the one I always loved, does that mean romantically? No, but who else has the initials DM?" He spoke to himself.

Draco was pacing around his dorm, no one else was there. He made sure everyone stayed in the common room.
"He doesn't like the flowers, I messed up, he probably doesn't even like guys. Ugh." He flops on his bed like the disaster gay he is.

Afternoon class came fast and it was the only class Slytherin had with Gryffindor; potions, and Draco was actually dreading his favorite class.
Fate seemed to be playing with Draco because snape just decided to give partners and put him with Harry.

"I'm going to die, what if he says something and then yells it out for everyone to embarrass me?"
Draco was having a little gay panic.

"You're very festive this year Malfoy." Harry said as they sat down in their new assigned seats.

"Yeah, it's Christmas Eve, just sucks they still give us classes today."

"Well we didn't have much class last year."

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