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In the time of stone castles and black knights standing tall to protect the land and people, there was a prince.
He was an only child, and of course was spoiled by his parents and everyone who worked in the castle.
But he liked being in solitude, people drained his energy or completely bore him.
But when he would leave his room and entertain guest, he was the life of the party. Girls always wanted to dance with him, all trying to impress him because they wanted to marry him.
One day he was going to become king, so naturally they wanted to be his queen.

Alas, he had no fancy for girls, none of them gave him feelings of happiness, love, nor sexual urges.
The only one he had feelings for was the garden boy; he was unaware of the princes feelings.
That could also be said for the garden boy, he liked the prince but didn't dare let him know. He would leave flowers in front of his door every so often, but never heard of him asking who was leaving them.

Tonight was going to be different, he was going to leave flowers in his room, near his bed.
"Ron, Ron." He called to the guard, but he didn't move from his spot. "Ugh, guard commander Weasley."
"Yes, Harry what is it?"
"Ugh come on stop with that. You gotta help me into Draco's room."
"And why would I do that?"
"Because I want to leave him flowers in his room."
"Why not just tell him how you feel."
"You know I'm not good with talking. Please just help me." He straightens his glasses on his face.
"Fine. He should be having dinner right now, let's make this quick."
Ron picked Harry up easily, he stood on his shoulders and grabbed the ledge then pulled himself up.
Harry was amazed at how clean and proper Draco's room was. What do you expect from a prince?
He went into his bag and pulled out the flowers; red carnations.
"I hope you get the message of these flowers." he said softly.
"Let's go loverboy, he will be coming back soon." Ron called.
Harry was sitting on the window sill as the door knob turned.
"Shit." He jumped and Ron barely caught him, landing on the ground in a heap they groan in pain.

Draco enters his room unaware of the two outside his window.
He sat down on his bed, thinking about the garden boy, of course, wondering what he could do to tell him how he felt.
"How am I so stupid to never even ask for his name." he scolded himself.
He moves towards the window and noticed the flowers.
"How did these get here?" He picked up the note next to them and all it said was, "from your admirer, H P."

"That's all you put, why not your whole name you idiot." Ron whisper yelled and smacked Harry in the head.
"I panicked okay, he's smart enough to figure it out. I just hope he doesn't completely reject me, or fire me."
"Don't be stupid, he wouldn't fire the only gardener."

While they had their whispered conversation, Draco was going through the list of workers in the castle to find out who H P was.

"Sir, may I ask why you need to know all the names of the employees?" His butler asked.
"None of your concern Blaise now leave."
It took him only a few minutes to find it, and he understood why it was always flowers.
"Harry Potter, gardener and grounds keeper. So it's been you all along." He smiled.

Draco wrote a letter and told Blaise to give it to Harry.
"He's the one leaving the flowers? And you like him too?" Blaise questioned.
"Shut up, don't look at it just give it to him and make sure no one and I mean no one, comes into the small ball room tonight." Draco pointed his finger, even though he was shorter than Blaise he could look intimidating.
"Yes sir." He bowed.

Draco was dressed in his best, a slick black suit,  black and green tinted tie, and shiny black shoes. His hair reached to the nape of his neck and he let it fall naturally, slightly messed but combed to be that way.
A knock came to his door.
"My prince, the ball room is ready."
"Thank you, pansy."

He made his way to the ball room, Blaise was leading him and he had a sneaky little grin on his face.
"Wipe that smirk off your face, or I will for you." Draco threatens.
"I'm sorry sir, I just never thought you would have a fancy for someone who isn't royalty."
"You don't care that it also happened to be a man?"
"Not at all my little lord." He chuckled.
"I'm older than you, don't call me little."
"I'm sorry you're highness. This is it, have fun."
He stopped in front of the doors and pulled them open for Draco.
"Thank you." He got a little nervous, once he saw Harry his face lit up with blush and excitement.
Harry was dressed in a pale blue suit with a black tie. His usually unruly hair was pressed down and properly combed for once.
"My prince, this letter, is it true?"
"It is, Thank you for the flowers. I've always had my eyes on you, but I didn't know how to tell you."
"Why me? I'm just the gardener." He looked away but Draco grabbed his chin so that he had to look him in the eyes.
Finally someone was shorter, even if it was a slight bit, Harry was shorter than Draco.
"Your eyes are magnificent, I could get lost in them forever." Draco stated.
Harry blushed brightly and began to stutter, not really saying anything coherent.

Draco couldn't help but laugh, "May I have this dance with you?"
"I've never really danced before." Harry admits.
"It's a good thing I do. Follow my lead."

They dance to slow piano music, Harry kept looking down his feet.
"Look at me." Draco said.
"I can't, I don't want to step on your feet."
"Is that really the reason you won't look at me?" He teased with a smile on his face.
"Wh-What do you mean? I um I." He stutters more and cuts himself off.
"You really are cute. I hope you know that."
"Well, you, you're beautiful."
Both of them were pink skinned, and stopped dancing. Harry's hands stayed on Draco's shoulders, while Draco's hands were on his hips.
"Harry, you keep saying stuff like that, I'll kiss you."
"Is that a promise?"
Harry all of a sudden had a new found confidence and decided to push it.
"Well then, I would like nothing more than to have those pretty pink lips on mine."
Draco was taken back for a moment, then leaded in to him and locked lips.
Both pulling each other to get closer, the kiss was awkward yet passionate.

They pull away panting, and rest foreheads together.
"Harry, will you be mine?"
"Do you really have to ask?" He pushed his glasses up and smiled at him.
"I do, I want to make sure." Draco answered.
"Of course I will."
They kiss again, this was more tender and didn't last as long but it still had the same emotion behind it.

The night couldn't have gone any better, Draco walked Harry back to his room and they kiss plenty more times before he actually left and went to his own room.
Once there he didn't fall asleep right away, the past moments still fresh in the forefront of his mind. He smiled softly, he's finally found someone who gave him meaning to be out of his room.
Someone who didn't just like him for his hair or crown.
He knew Harry was his soulmate, and he was going to marry him one day.

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