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From left to right Valentina Essé younger sister, then Essé, Essé's daughter Áaela, Drake and mom Sandi, Drake and Chubbs, Essé's best friend Lexus, Essé, Essé's older sister Melanie and Drake and his dad


I had some extra time on my hands so I decided to pack a nice bag for me and my daughter to go spend some time with her grandma in Canada. Her grandma doesn't know though, you can say this is a surprise visit. I bought her a few dresses and some extra comfy footwear and for Mr. Dennis a box of Cuba's finest cigars I just did not want show up empty handed besides she loves when I shop for her.


We have landed safely and Áaela is fast asleep. I called Drake's dad, Dennis before we landed so he was able to come and pick us up without letting Ms. Sandi know. He was there by 10:40 he came to assist me with Áaela and the bags.
"Hello stranger it's been a while, is butta sleeping?" He laughed
"Oh dad you know I've been busy hence Áaela the only one coming and going". I laughed.
"Come give me a hug girl". He opened his arms wide to accommodate me while having Áaela in my arms. I really love the bond that Dennis and I share. I don't see him as only a father to Drake but a father to me as well, he's so down to earth and he corrects me when I'm wrong.
"This was a surprise but I forgot to get a chauffeur so I just had to call you. I called Bakka but he's in Miami with Drake". I said.
"Yeah all them boys down in Miami getting stuff together for that tour". He replied.

We kept the conversation going as we drove home and of course Drake had to be apart of it. He wanted to know just the basics which was if we were still involved since the last he heard was that we separated. I told him that it was a work in progress and we are currently dating like we're just getting to know each other. He laughed and said that, that was some bullshit and that it'll always be me no matter how many girls come his way.

When we got to the house Áaela was up. She instantly reached for her grandpa. He helped with the bags and also carried Áaela.
"When I left Sandi was in the dinning room". He put the bags down when we got inside. "Lemme call her. I told Drake this house is way too God damn big for us all look at this madness I'm gonna call Sandi and we all at the same place". He laughed as he dialed Sandi's number.
I laughed while Áaela messed with the bags.

Sandi on speaker phone.
Sandi- hello
Dennis- ah yes hey. I'm back with some people come to the front.
Sandi- who are they ?
Dennis- Sandi come to the front. He laughed.
Sandi- I really can't be bothered with your foolishness at times Dennis you know that? I'm coming.
The call disconnected and Dennis couldn't hold back the laughter.
"You mess with mom way too much". I laughed.
"Oh my gosh are those my babies". Sandi said from the dining room entrance.
"Nana!" Áaela screamed. She ran off and Sandi did her little run walk thing to meet her half way. I watched as Sandi scooped her into a hug and flooded her with kisses as she took her up in her arms.
"She is her second child. I swear that child will do no wrong in her eyes... Well I'm gonna bring these to your boyfriends bedroom". He laughed as he took up the bags. "You have a lot of explaining to do young lady". He laughed.
One of the best things about Dennis was that he has the most cheerful personality and he has the ability to make the whole room laugh.
"This is such a wonderful surprise. I made cookies and I baked some chicken earlier you hungry?" She asked.
"Yeah the first and last thing I had was some coffee". I replied
"Oh no Essé that's not gonna work. Let's head to the kitchen, Aubrey knew you were coming?" She asked.
"No but he wanted to have Áaela when he got back so he can start planning her birthday for next month". I said.
"Áaela honey how old are you gonna be next month?" She asked.
"I'm gonna be 5 nana". Áaela replied. "1,2,3,4,5!" She clapped.
"And for that you deserve all grandma's cookies".
The two held hands as they walked to the kitchen. They just totally forgot that I was even there.
"I told Mr. Long to take some time off, I love cooking and baking for myself. When Aubrey gets home he's gonna call him right back though and say I should be relaxing". She laughed.


Sandi just gave Áaela a bath. Áaela sat on her bed wrapped in the towel as Sandi picked out a sleepwear from her closet. Sandi looked at the pj then at Áaela. "Oh wow you have grown". She looked back in the closet. "Áaela in the 3 months that I haven't seen you you've outgrown all your pjs, you packed some right?" She looked over at us.
"Uh, yeah I packed a few". I said unzipping Áaela's bag.
Áaela's iPad began to ring. "It's daddy!" She answered quickly;
Drake- heyyyyy babygirl
Áaela- hi daddy. I'm at your house with grandma, grandpa and mommy.
Drake- for real? So I'm gonna see my baby in the morning. That's super
Áaela- daddy my pjs can't fit
Drake- yeah because you're growing and speaking of growing whose birthday is next month?
Áaela- my birthday!!
"Come honey tell daddy to hold on we need to get dressed". Sandi said. "Aubrey have you had dinner?" Sandi asked as she slipped Áaela's shirt over her head.
Drake- yeah mom, I had some goooood food.
Sandi- was it McDonald's?
Drake- don't get mad ... yes
Sandi- I won't even get upset just get home safe.
Drake told Áaela her goodnight and ended the FaceTime. After Sandi and I went outside to sit and talk.

Tom Ford's Tuscan Leather was all I could smell just before I started to feel small kisses on my cheek. My eyes were still closed. The covers shift exposing from my shoulders down to my waist and now the kisses were trailing down to my neck.
"Good morning". He kissed my shoulder the crawled under the covers. He pulled me closer and kissed my shoulder again.
"Good morning. How was your trip?" I asked.
"Same business as usual". He replied.
I turned so now we were face to face.
"Dad called me when you landed at the airport and he was like guess who I'm about to go pick up at the airport? Butta and Essé, he was super excited. You make my old man excited".
"Yeah I'm his daughter, what you expect?" I said as I got on top of him.
"I think I like where this is going" he flashed a smile that from ear to ear. Yeah

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