Daddy's Home 💓

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I'm gonna have my second baby. I haven't told anyone as yet and I'm super excited. Last week I visited my private doctor for a normal check up. After doing all my little tests she came back with a smile. She's always super sweet and friendly so I assumed she was gonna say "well you're healthy" but instead she smiled and said that I'm pregnant. I remembered laughing nervously but the nervousness disappeared when we did the ultrasound. I've been pregnant for two months and I didn't even know it. I'm pulling closer to my third month of pregnancy now and I've found a cute and creative way to tell everyone.

Mel, mom, Valentina and Áaela are out by the pool sunbathing. I've decided to put the ultrasound pictures in an envelope and just give mom and have her share the news. I pulled on my cover up and went outside.
"Wow! I love that bathing suit but aren't you more of a two piece gal?" Mom chuckled.
I laughed nervously before giving her the envelope.
"What's this?" She pulled down the shades to add some drama. "Guys I got money". She laughed.
Mel and Val was busy swimming and Áaela splashed around.
"Oh... it's not money. What is this? Oh... oh, oh, Essé what is this? Oh my God Essé you're pregnant?! Oh I'm gonna have another grand baby". She got up and started dancing.
Mel and Val eyes were wide open.
"I know you lying". Val said.
"No here's the cute little ultrasound pic". Mom squealed.
"How long have you been keeping this from me". Mel gasped.
"Guys you are the first to know, I found out a few weeks ago so surprise". I laughed.
"I hope I get a nephew". Val said.


Mom was in the kitchen finishing dinner when Drake arrived. He entered the house with a warm and bright smile.
"Good evening". He said.
Mel and Val began acting so weird. "Good evening". They responded in sync.
I shot them a warning to not mess this up because I already planned how I'm gonna tell him which was a showing him the video I made of him finding out that I was pregnant with Áaela, his parents reaction, my reaction, my family reaction and my team's reaction at the end of the video would be a video of my recent ultrasound me and my doctors reaction and me telling him that we're having a baby.
"Daddy!" Áaela jumped and screamed. Her reaction to seeing Drake never changes and I hope it never will.
"Hey princess!" Drake picked her up and spun with her before heading to the kitchen.
"I can't wait to see his reaction to the vid later. I wish mom would finish cook right now we eat quickly and get to it, I'm dying here". Val sounded like she was fresh off crack.
"Girl what? Chill out and be quiet". I laughed.

Finally it was time. We were all cozy in the living room watching Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle when I paused the movie to have everyone's attention. Val squealed a little when I stood up. Everyone gave her the 'are you okay?' Look before turning back to me.
"Tonight I think is a perfect night to show you all one of the happiest moments of my life". I plugged the projector up before turning off the tv. I looked over at Drake who looked just as confused as Áaela who sat in his lap.
"Mommy why did you do that?"
"Hun mommy has a very special video for everyone to see including you". I walked over and sat down beside them as the music came on low along with my voice. Drake looked over at me with pure curiosity and I couldn't help but smile.

Video running and Essé speaking.

Happiest Year by Jaymes Young played in the background.

Essé: I'm gonna be a mom now woo hoo. Guys I'm nervous and excited so that's why I'm filming.
* short clips of Essé telling her mom, sisters, best friend, Drake's parents, her manager and Drake that she was pregnant *
Essé: Hey Aubrey
* laughs nervously *
sooooo not sure if you guessed it... I, i uhh hope not because I want it to be a surprise so here goes... I'm pregnant!
* holds ultrasound pics to the camera *
Baby number two!
*video of Essé getting her ultrasound *

I looked over at Drake he was smiling with watery eyes
"Daddy are you okay?" Áaela rest her tiny hand on his cheek.
"Yeah daddy's okay". He sniffs and kissed her forehead.
The video has ended. "That was so beautiful Essé". Mom said. "I'm so happy for you both, you guys are gonna do just as amazing as you've been doing with Áaela". She sniffed
"Oh mom". I replied
Drake was still quiet.
"You okay babe?" I asked.
He looked over at me before standing and coming over. He stooped before me and looked me in the eyes before kissing me.
"Ewwww!" Áaela scream. "Grandma make them stop!"
We all started laughing at what Áaela said.

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