"You're Still Needed"

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There's laughter as Technoblade squeezes his eyes closed. He can hear it in the distance - children's laughter as he sits up in bed. There are bandages wrapped around his chest, his now gold-stained shirt and cape hanging on a hook nearby. He smiles at the white surroundings, the only colour on himself and his clothes. He knows this place, though he never imagined he'd be on this side of things. He knows she'll wait for him to say his goodbyes, she was always patient with them.

Jabber barks at his feet as he stands up from the bed. There's no pull or pinch of injury as he buttons up his shirt and fastens his cape. Jabber stays at his side as he walks down the hall towards the laughter. He passes white pillars, white brick-laid walls, and white rugs. There's gold trim lining the barest details. He brushes his fingertips against the passing walls as he finds his way to the courtyard. He doesn't want to leave, but he knows his time here is slowly closing. It's odd to come to terms with it after so long of resigning himself to this fate. His task was done, Dream was dead... yet he didn't want to be done just yet. Part of him ached to stay.

Philza's there. Wilbur and Tommy too. He watches as the little boys are tossed into the air and hover for a few moments before floating back down to the ground. He smiles, watching them from the edge of the courtyard. At Philza's feet, Em notices them. The dog pads up to Jabber, the two of them bumping snouts before resting their heads against one another, sitting at his side. Philza looks up at him and smiles. He says something to Wilbur and Tommy that Technoblade can't hear before he makes his way across the courtyard to him.

"I knew you, didn't I?" Technoblade asks as Philza approaches him.

Philza slowly nods his head. There's a small, sad smile on his lips.

"You worked with her. I knew you."

"I wish I'd remembered sooner," Technoblade admits as he keeps his hands to himself. Philza nods his head again, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It's alright. You remembered when you needed to... I guess I should thank you. You did the impossible; you kept us safe."

"Gods can't lie or cheat a promise..." a hand belonging to neither of them rests on Technoblade's shoulder. It's gentle, yet larger than his own. He doesn't need to look back to know who it belongs to.
"They also can't cheat death."

"Tell her hello for me? I miss her," Philza asks, longing lacing his voice as he lets out a small sigh. "I'll see her as soon as Wilbur and Tommy don't need me anymore."

The hand on Technoblade's shoulder squeezes gently.

"I think she already knows. She'll wait for you. So will I."

"Till we meet again, old friend."

"Till we meet again," Technoblade repeats as he turns to the figure behind him.

She has a kind smile, just like he'd remembered. Though he never expected to be on this side of things. She's dressed in all black, contrasting the white of the courtyard as she lets go of his shoulder and offers him her hand.

Technoblade reaches out and takes it silently. He gives one final look to Philza, a gentle wave before he watches him slowly fade away. The room turning to white.

Something tugs on his collar, yanking him back. His ears ring as she stops and looks past him. She smiles wider this time and lets go of his hand.

"You're still needed," she tells him as he falls backwards, plummeting towards whatever lies below him.

When he lurches up in bed, this time everything hurts. The room's lit by candlelight and the laughter of children is louder this time. He's impatient to wait, getting up quickly and pulling on his cape no matter how much his body protests. Jabber follows closely at his heels as he rushes down to the courtyard.

Philza stares at him as he rushes up to him and pulls him into a tight hug without warning. The Elytra hugs him back, holding him as if he'd -

"Did you see her?" he asks quietly.

"Someone stopped her," he whispers back as if he understood what had happened. "I'm still needed here."

Philza pulls back, holding him at an arm's length for a brief moment. There's a wide grin on his face as he checks him over for a long moment. Wilbur and Tommy rush up to them to see what their dad's up to. Technoblade laughs as the two of them manage to fly up to eye level out of curiosity. Philza gathers both of them in his arms and sets them down.

"I know you're excited to see him, but go play, give us a moment kiddos," he encourages them, watching as they run off to annoy the dogs.

Philza straightens up next to him, silently watching as they annoy Jabber and Em. The dogs don't seem to mind, gladly entertaining the children as the two fallen beings stand side by side watching on.

"I'm glad, mate," Philza admits after a long pause, keeping his hands folded in front of himself.

"So am I," Technoblade agrees as he runs his fingers across the bandages on his chest. "So am I."

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