can't go back

412 10 2

TW: blood, injury, tell me if I missed anything

Ships sailing: none


Sasha limped through the cold night, the wind chilling her to the bones. She shivers, praying that she's almost to her god-awful destination.

She's not supposed to be here. She doesn't want to be here. She'd much rather be back at the flower scout base in her spacious cabin with her working heater and favorite fluffy blanket.

But she's lost all that now, and this is her last resort.

She stumbled through the thick shrubbery, frustratedly pushing anything in her path out of her way. She wasn't feeling up to fighting with a fucking bush today, no siree.

She stumbled for a few more yards before, finally, she saw a light. She didn't know what time it was so she didn't know if anyone would be up or not, but apparently luck was on her side. With a sigh, she hopped over toward the light streaming out of the closed window on the side of the worn down cabin.

She reached the door with a huff, collapsing on the ground and dirtying up her knees, but she didn't care. All she cared about was finally being able to get some goddamn. Rest. She'd been wandering since, like, 5am.

She raised her hand to knock but hesitated. The door was fucking disgusting, just like the rest of this filthy camp. It was years old and it's shown with all the dirt and grime built up in the crevices of it's screens.

Ugh, this sucked. Where were her satin gloves when she needed them!

Oh, right. Back at the cabin.

With a sigh and a grimace, she raised her hand and knocked on the door in the flower scout theme, just like they were taught back at camp. Old habits die hard, especially when you're not trying to kill them.

The second the door opened, relief flooded her weary bones so much, all of the adrenaline she had to make it here suddenly replaced with a new type of weariness. She only had enough energy to angle her head up, staring at the figure through her eyelashes.

" leg...fuck just...ugh," she groaned, her body rocking back and forth, falling to the ground. She thinks she hears the figure at the door yelp and call for someone else. Few words were exchanged before she was picked up and brought in towards the warm, warm light.

She was safe now. She could rest.

And so she did.


There was a child lying, unconscious, in her bed.

God why does this shit always happen to them!

This night had already been bad enough. Max and Neil had somehow convinced Nerris to help them pull a magical prank on Nurf which sent him into a rage right after dinner. He had gotten to space kid and spun him around wildly, causing them to throw up! Then, while cleaning up that mess, Nikki had gotten into the pudding and went on a sugar induced rampage that took almost an hour to catch her and sedate her from.

And now, after all that, there was that redhead from the flower scouts at their door.

She was battered, bruised, and malnourished and Gwen didn't know how long she had been wandering the forest. The flower scout camp wasn't too far, only a few miles, but it was late and Gwen knew she wasn't used to all that walking or that terrain.

"Okay…" David sighed, rifling through their shitty excuse of a first aid kit. "We have band-aids, and a bit of anti-perspirant gauze. Hm...tweezers…."

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