Just do it

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This was technically requested by: Bruhmoment9876567

Warnings: swearing, cancer mention, tell me if I missed anything else

Ship sailing: Makki


Nikki really didn’t like her friends right now. 

Well, that's not true. Not really...she just didn’t like the girls. And Preston. The girls and Preston. They were currently lecturing Nikki on why she should ask Max out and she did not appreciate it. 

“Guys! I’m not gonna ask him out!” Nikki sighed, flopping in between Nerris and Preston on her bed.

“And why not?” Preston gasped, exasperated by his

friend's stubbornness. Nikki didn’t respond. She simply crossed her arms and turned on her side. She placed her head in Nerris’ lap and huffed. 

“I mean, Pres has got a point. Why not ask him out? What's the worst that could happen?” Nerris asked, slowly carding her fingers through Nikkis tangled hair. Nikki huffed and squirmed but still said nothing. 

“Ner is right little dude,” Ered said, not looking up from her phone. Probably texting Neil about the show they’d been watching. “Even if he doesn’t like you or anything you guys will still be friends. You’re, like, besties.” she said, blowing a bubble with the gum in her mouth. It popped, loud and prominent. Nikki sat up. 

“I know! I know that we’re best friends and that’s what makes it hard! I...I don't know what I’d do without him.” she spoke into Nerris’ thigh. The girl giggled lighty. Her words tickled her thigh but she continued to card through her hair. 

Preston scoffed. “Please. Niks, you know that he’d never leave you. Sure it may be awkward for a bit but you guys would get over it. Y'all bounce back like mcr after a six year break up.” he said, tapping her arm with his foot. Nikki groaned and swatted his foot away. 

“But,” she lifted herself on her arms. “But what if we break up? Like he cheats or something and we have this huge break up and-”

“Do you really believe he’d cheat?” Nerris asked. Nikki shot her a glare. 

“I mean...no. No, I know he’d never. That’s low, even for him-”

“Then why be worried about it?” Ered cut her off once again. Nikki shot her a glare too, even though she wasn’t looking. 

“I know it’s stupid but-”

“Oh, don’t say that! Anxiety is natural!” Preston cut her off once more, struggling to hold in his giggles. Nikki just flopped back onto her stomach and screamed into Nerris’ thigh. They were unable to hold in their giggles after that. 

“Hey, Max, can I ask you something?”  

“Sure, Nik. Go ahead.” Max said, completely focused on the thing he was drawing. Nikki sat up from her laid down position and cleared her throat. Max didn’t put down the book like she was trying to indicate that he do. She thought she saw a smile. 

That sneaky little-

“Max, put your shit down and look at me!” she demanded. It was a bit laggy but she saw Max put down his sketchbook and spread out on his bed, his laptop wobbling a bit at the action. Nikki waited until he was comfortable. 

“Okay, what is it?” he drawled. Nikki gulped. She had to actually...say the words out loud. Wow, okay. This was super hard. 

“You’re my best friend.” she started. Maxs’ eyes widened. Words like that could only signal a really serious conversation. Was he prepared? Depends. 

“Yeah...Neil, you and I. Best friends since forever.” he said. He sounded calm but Nikki knew he was probably panicking on the inside. SInce he was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder a year ago, his mind has been mean to him. Constantly jumping to conclusions. 

“Well...I thought that...I always thought that we were..closer than with Neil. Especially ever since he started dating Harrison.” Nikki said, adjusting her t-shirt. It was oversized, one of her dads, but it was comfy. 

“Well, yeah I guess you’re right. Don’t tell Neil, though.” he chuckled, voice going soft. Nikki doesn’t know why that seemed to change the whole atmosphere but it did. They couldn’t seem to raise their voices any higher than a mere whisper, but it fit. 

“Yeah, well...we’ve been through a lot together. We’d do anything for each other, yknow? I...you're one of the most important people to me.” she said. Time stopped so quick. As in it stopped but sped up at the same time. SHe was suddenly aware of everything. The humming of her laptop, the sound of her mother shuffling around in the kitchen. The drip of the faucet down the hall. Everything. 

“Wait...are you trying to tell me something?” Max asked. Nikki nodded. His eyes widened. “Niks..you don't...you don’t-” he stopped and stared at her. Nikki nodded. Yes. It was true. 

“Oh my god..”

“I know. It’s weird. I’m sor-”

“Holy shit, you have cancer!” he yelled, spooking her. She jumped, effectively knocking her laptop off of her bed and onto the plush carpet. The calm and quiet atmosphere came to an abrupt halt as she took in what he said.

“What?!” she yelled, picking up her computer and placing it back on her bed. Max gave her a confused look. 

“You...don’t have cancer?” he asked, using context clues to come to the conclusion that she did not, in fact, have cancer.

“No! I don’t have fucking cancer! What made you think that?” she yelled. She heard a knock on her door, signalling her to quiet down. She did but not by much. 

"Well then why were you saying all that shit? Only times people say that shit is when they're about to admit they got cancer or something!" Max said, equally baffled.

"I like you, dumbass." Nikki deadpanned, rolling her eyes. God this boy was dense. 



"Well, that's good?"

"It is?"

"Yeah, cus I like you too."

"Oh, that's nice."

They were both silent for a while. Awkwardly waiting for...something. Then Nikki started laughing. Which made Max start laughing. And they didn't stop for quite some time.

"So, boyfriend?" Nikki asked. 

"Boyfriend." Max confirmed.

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