Preview: To Be a Guardian

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~~~ This is a preview for one of my "The Big Four" (also known as Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons) stories. It is a Jackunzel and Merricup story.~~~ 

"So, you're a guardian?" Rapunzel asked and sat down.

"Yeah, Guardian of Fun," Jack replied and put on a mini snow show with his staff.

He even made a little figurine that looked like the insignia on her necklace. Rapunzel's eyes sparkled as he handed it to her. She grinned and carefully took it.

"Will it melt?" Rapunzel asked.

"Not as long as I'm alive... dead... You know what? Don't worry about it. It won't," Jack replied and sat down beside her. 

Rapunzel smiled and extended her hand out with her palm facing down. A large flower grew through the pavement. She gently plucked it and carefully put the ice sculpture inside. She placed her hand over the flower causing it to close which made it into a purse.

"Wow, how long did it take you to learn how to do that?" Jack asked, impressed.

Rapunzel giggled and put the purse around her shoulder, "I have no idea. I lost count of the years, but compared to everything else not much."

"Well, that is a pretty cool trick. The only downside is that someone is going to have to fix that hole in the ground," Jack said and pointed to the crack the flower left behind.

Phil walked over and started waving his hands around while pointing to the hole. Rapunzel quickly stood up.

"Sorry! I'm just so used to growing things from the ground without it being a problem," Rapunzel apologized.

Phil sighed and walked off, probably to grab some tools to fix it. Jack laughed which caused Rapunzel to smile in embarrassment. She sat back down beside him.

"So, can people see you?" she asked.

"Not everyone, but the first person who could see me, his name is Jamie, is helping me get more kids to believe," Jack replied. "I don't know of any adults who can see us, but there are probably a few. The kids who never really grew up, you know?"

"I guess you're right," Rapunzel hummed. "And how did you feel when he first saw you?"

She inched closer, awaiting his reply with a curious gleam in her eyes.

"I was ecstatic. He was sort of like my first real friend," Jack replied. "Especially because of the whole 'no memories' thing."

"I hope one day someone will believe in me," Rapunzel whispered with a smile. "And I can't wait to get my memories back! How will you--?"

"We're back!" North's voice boomed through the workshop.

"Who is that?" Rapunzel gasped.

She grabbed her pan getting ready to hit someone.

"Woah, calm down. That's just North, this is his workshop after all," Jack told her.

North walked in with two women Rapunzel didn't know.

"Ahh, you must be the timid Spring Spirit. Welcome to my workshop, I trust it is to your liking, yes?" North asked.

"Yes, it's amazing. Umm, hello?" Rapunzel replied and greeted the others awkwardly.

"I'm Tooth, nice to meet you," Tooth warmly greeted Rapunzel.

She flew over and looked at Rapunzel's teeth.

"Woah! Your teeth really are as white as a pure rose in May!" She exclaimed and continued to pry while her mini copies surrounded her, trying to take a look as well.

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