Preview: Knock on Wood (Bruno Madrigal X Reader)

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"Bruno! That rock was too big!"

"The others weren't making enough noise!"

"What if you broke her window?"

"I'm not that strong, Leta."

You groaned as you slowly got up from your bed. You've had a headache for a few days now, and now you were starting to catch a temperature as well. You opened your window and immediately covered your eyes. Your headache got worse, but still, you looked down to see your best friends waiting for you.

"Hello, Julieta, Pepa, and Bruno. What's the matter?" you asked, your voice sounding a bit sore.

"(Y/N), where have you been?" Pepa asked. 

"We haven't seen you in a few days," Julieta added.

"I-- Umm, we were starting to worry," Bruno said his eyes filled with concern.

In fact, all of them looked between a mix of concern and relief. Concerned that you didn't look too well, but relieved that you were okay enough to talk to them.

"Why didn't you guys knock on the door?" you asked.

"We did, but no one answered," Pepa replied.

"Oh, I guess Mami went to find some medicine. I've just been a bit sick these past few days. I'm sorry I worried you," you explained.

"Is there anything we can do to help? Maybe some té de jengibre will help?" Julieta recommended. "Mamá makes me some whenever I get sick."

"Is it because we were playing in the rain?" Pepa asked.

"If I would have known you'd get sick we would have stayed inside to play," Bruno pouted, slightly guilty.

"But you guys didn't get sick so it could be something else. Don't worry, I've never been sick for too long," you replied.

"Yes, but..." Pepa started and looked at her siblings.

"What's wrong?" you asked.

"Nothing, it's just that our birthday is in 3 days," Julieta continued.

"And we wanted to invite you," Bruno finished.

"Isn't the whole town invited?" you asked.

"Si, but we wanted to invite you ourselves," Pepa explained.

"Everyone else is going because Mamá invited them, so..." Julieta said and trailed off.

Pepa and Julieta pushed Bruno forward to finish.

"You--You're our best friend, so we wanted you to come because... because we invited you," Bruno replied sheepishly.

"Aww. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be okay by your birthday. I promise," you told them. "And then we can play all the time to make up for the past few days."

The three grinned happily and nodded. 

"But right now I want to go back to bed," you told them. "I'll see you guys later."

"Are you sure you don't need anything?" Julieta asked.

"I'm sure. I've only had headaches and a sore throat, nothing too bad," you told them.

"Alright, we'll check up on you tomorrow," Pepa promised.

"Esta bien, adios," you told them.

They waved goodbye as they ran back to their home. You sighed and closed your curtains. It was such a nice day out, but the sun only caused your head to hurt more. The triplets kept their promise and came back to check up on you for the next two days before their birthday, sometimes all three came, and sometimes only one at a time because Señora Madrigal was preparing for the party.


"Mami?" you whispered and looked for your mom.

Your room was dimly lit, it was dark out so the only light you had was from a candle on your bedside table. But even that amount of light made your head hurt. You were laying in bed, a wet cloth on top of your head. You felt hot and could only take long, slow breaths. Your mom's figure was obscured in the dark, but you could see her figure coming closer.

"Ay, Mija," your mom whispered and caressed your cheek with one hand and held your hand with her other. "You'll be okay. I'm here. I'm holding your hand."

You tried to look around, but another pain came through your head. You let a few hot tears out and whimpered. 

"What... about the... party?" you asked, letting another tear roll down your cheek. "I... promised..."

"Shh, shh, shh. I'm sure they'll understand," your mom said and bit her lip, trying to stop herself from crying as she wiped your tears away.

Tonight was supposed to be special. Your friends were opening their magical doors, getting their own rooms just like their mom had 5 years ago. You were supposed to be having fun with them, not being sick in bed while the rest of the town celebrated with them.

"Yazmin!" you heard your dad yell, the front door slamming open.

Your head throbbed at the sudden noise of your dad yelling and his footsteps banging closer to your room.

"Francisco--!" your mom yelled back, but lowered her voice when she felt your hand tighten slightly around her's. "Not so loud."

She got up and stopped your dad from barging in.

"What happened? Why are you alone?" your mom asked. 

"Come here," you dad whispered and pulled her out of your room.

You were too weak to get up, and they spoke so quietly that you couldn't tell what they were saying. 

"...Gifts?!" Your mom gasped.

A part of you wondered what they were talking about, but your headache took most of your concentration away. Both of your parents walked back inside your room after a few seconds. Or maybe it was minutes. You really couldn't tell.

"How... was the... party?" you asked despite how difficult it was for you to breath.

"Cariño, don't strain yourself," your dad told you and sat beside you. "It was great, but don't worry about that now. I promise that after tonight, you'll be able to go play with the Madrigals again."

"We'll find a way to make you feel better," your mom added.

"I'm... glad," you whispered and closed your eyes.

Your throat was sore and your breathing only made it worse. Your headache made it almost impossible for you to sleep for the last few days, but you were too tired now. Exhaustion finally took over you, and your senses began to numb.

"If it's the last thing we do."

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