~~Preview: Stitch's Giant Monster Story~~

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"Sweetie, you know we could just drive you, right?" a woman with medium-length, dark black hair and violet eyes asked a young woman who resembled her save for her brown eyes.

"Mom, it's alright," Mary reassured her mom.

"You have our phone number on speed dial, right?" her dad asked as he pushed her suitcases into the trunk.

"Yes, and before you ask I also have your emergency number saved under "Life Threatening Situation"," Mary replied.

"It doesn't have to be for a life threatening situation you know. If you just want advice that's fine by us. We'll always make time for you," her mom reminded her and hugged her.

"Thanks mom, but I'd rather not interrupt when you might be in the middle of an intense scene," She replied and let go.

"A reporter's job is never done, but we can always block it out and continue after the call. You know we'll be there in less than 2 seconds," her mom told her.

"Half a second," her father corrected proudly.

Her mom smiled and shook her head at him.

"It took you quite a while to get to that point," she teased.

"Hey, I have 14 years less experience then you, I'm just proud I got it before I became old," her husband replied with a shudder.

"I'd like to clarify that I couldn't really practice during those 14 years, but I am proud of you," his wife replied and kissed his cheek.

"I love you V," he replied.

"I love you too Wil," she responded.

"Mom, dad, can't you wait until I leave?" Mary laughed, "Anyway, I told you, I'm fine. I can take care of myself, I have your blood running through me after all."

"Yes, you do. We're so proud of you. Just remember if something goes wrong all you need to do is "Keep moving forward." Ugh, I never thought I'd grow up to sound like my old man," her dad sheepishly told her and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I love you both, I'll visit you on the weekends and whenever I can," she told them and gave them one last hug before going in the car.

"Oh, and if Aunt Jenny and Uncle Kirito call could you please ask them when Aiko and Ryder will get to the college? They haven't replied and I'm a bit worried," She explained to them from her car.

"We will, but they're probably out saving lives. I still don't know why your aunt and uncle want them to go back to school," her dad commented.

"Because they want them to have the normal teenagehood they didn't have. Our teenage years were far from normal, so I think it's a good idea," her mother defended them.

"I guess, but it was entirely voluntary. We really can't blame anyone else," Wil replied.

"And I'm sure none of us regret it, but we need to make sure it's what the kids really want," V told him. "Don't worry Honey, we'll make sure to call them."

"Okay, thank you. Good bye!" Mary called and drove out of the garage.

"Good luck!" her parents called and waved.

She drove out of their drive way, stopping to give them a final wave goodbye before leaving. The drive was a bit tiresome and the weather seemed a bit off. It was dry and sunny at first until she saw she was approaching some rain clouds.

"It's only a little rain," Mary shrugged as she continued to drive.

She made it out of the rain clouds, but they seemed to have moved in her direction again. She continued to drive like normal until it started to hail.

"It's still July!" Mary exclaimed.

She drove as carefully as she could, but as quickly as the weather had gone crazy it calmed down. The hail stopped and the sun came out.

"Grandpa Lucius must be visiting or something," she mumbled.

She finally arrived at the college and looked around. Everyone seemed to already be a part of a group as they all walked around campus. Even freshmen her age were trailing behind upperclassmen with their suitcases in an effort to join their clique. She was prepared, however, in that she had actually memorized the school map before even knowing that she had been accepted into the college. It had been her first choice after all.

She made it to her dorm door and hesitated.

"The person behind this door can either be your new best friend or your worst enemy, try not to make it the latter," Mary told herself quietly.

She took a deep breath in and exhaled before opening the door and walking inside. She noticed the room was rather small, but she hadn't packed much stuff anyways. Moving around had a minimalistic effect on people like her.

Her roomate on the other hand seemed to have overestimated the size of the room. Half of the room was completely decorated with Elvis Presley posters, Hawaiian flowers, dancing prizes, and pictures of various people. She concluded that her roommate was probably a Hawaiin Elvis Presley fan or maybe she just liked Hawaii. The overwhelming amount of stuff also led Mary to the conclusion that her roommate had never left home before.

She set her stuff down on what she thought was her side of the room since it was clear of any decorations. She noticed a strange blue creature sleeping on the other bed.

She tilted her head, not because she thought the creature was unusual, but because she had no idea how her roommate could have snuck it in. Did the school not have a no-pet rule? She must have missed it, but it's not like she was actively looking for that rule.

"If I had known you could bring animals I would have brought my cat," Mary commented.

She took a step closer and realized it was not a normal pet. It had antennas, huge eyes, and six legs. The blue should have been the first indicator but there were all kinds of people in the world, so finding someone who dyed their pet's fur blue wouldn't surprise her.

She walked over and placed a gentle hand on its forehead. She had grown up with monsters and heroes, so anything unnatural was right up her alley. Nevertheless, she was curious as to how her roommate had taken him from the monster world. The dog-like creature began to stir. Its eyes opened up and its hair stood up as it growled at her.

"I won't hurt you," Mary told the creature.

She extended her arm towards him and softly caressed his head. A girl walked out of the bathroom and stopped mid stride when she saw Mary.

"I'm surprised you didn't run away, most people are afraid of Stitch," the girl commented. "I was actually hoping your would so I could have the room all to myself."

"Haha, sorry to disappoint you, but I think he's cute," Mary replied.

"You're the only other person who seems to think that aside from me," the girl chuckled and outstretched her hand. "I'm Lilo, nice to meet you."

    "Mary Gibbs, but my friends call me Boo," Boo smiled and shook her hand.

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