𝐗𝐗𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈|𝐀 𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧

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"We're going to have an aunt to niece talk,"

Soon Jackson gets up before walking out of the cafeteria, which causes Charlie to sigh before following after him

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Soon Jackson gets up before walking out of the cafeteria, which causes Charlie to sigh before following after him.

"I thought he didn't like her?" Lexi questions, her eyebrows scrunching together making her usual expression.

Adonis watches as the two walk down the halls before turning to face us.

"I thought that too," he speaks before folding his arms across his chest.

"Today has been weird," he shrugs.

"Just let it go guys, they'll work it out on their own, they always do," April says as I sit back in my chair.

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"I want those balloons over there on that side," I hear before I can walk into the house, i walk over to the back yard where I see unknown faces and Victoria.

Outside is filled with flowers, balloons and a huge sign saying happy birthday, with multiple tables, it looked like the behind the scenes of a wedding.

"You're not supposed to see this," I hear Veronica say as she covers my eyes with her hand before directing me towards the house.

"How am I not supposed to see this when it's literally right here," I complain causing her to chuckle before walking me over to the stairs.

"You seem a bit out of it, what's wrong kiddo?" She questions and I shrug in response before she removes her hand.

Her dark brown hair falls perfectly onto her shoulders, she's wearing a short white and pink dress, not her usual attire, but it fits her nicely.

"Come on, what's wrong?" She questions poking me which brings me to laughter as she catches my attention.

"It's nothing," I manage to say before she finally stops.

"Oh, nothing?" She questions before walking up the stairs in front of me.

"Where are you going?" I inquire, confused by her actions, she turns around to face me before speaking.

"We're going to have an aunt to niece talk," she smiles which causes me to shake my head as I follow her into my room.

I drop my bag to the floor before jumping onto my bed as she sits next to me.

"What's been going on since you moved?" She questions.

"Everything's fine, until yesterday," I say and she lays back before turning to me giving me her full attention.

"Vanessa's pregnant, and Adonis keeps asking me what's wrong and I keep lying because it's not my secret to tell, but it's her sister and I'd like to know if Lexi was pregnant if he knew," I rant.

She blinks sarcastically a few times before chuckling softly, "I'm sorry I just can't believe this is the drama you have," she chuckles to herself causing me to roll my eyes.

"He'll be fine, he's a boy, he'll suck it up, plus with what you told us, I think he's the perfect person who'll understand, " she tries assuring me, but I can't help but have a gut feeling it'll end badly.

"But I don't think he'll understand, he feels responsible for his sister, like me with Lexi for example," I say.

She sits up before placing her hand on my shoulder, the warmth brings me comfort as I rest my head on her shoulder.

"It'll be fine," she mutters as she kisses my head, I smile at her actions before nodding.

Veronica and Victoria are almost like my second mother, they're always there no matter how busy there are, regardless of Veronica having her own kids.

Veronica and I are mentally closer we went through the same thing but hers was worse, her whole life was bad, but she made a name for herself and now she's helping me get through all of my problems.

"You know, Jaxson and I had a hard time, we went through drugs and I struggled with self-confidence a lot," she says, her voice is hesitant as if she's reliving the whole situation again.

"Everything with Ace was a complete mess and I can't believe we got him exposed," she says.

"But in the end, we were there for each other and it all worked out, didn't it?" She questions rhetorical causing a small chuckle to escape my lips.

"I'm just scared, my whole life is messed up," I mutter as she strokes her hand against my hair.

"It'll be okay, trust me, a lot of stuff happened to me and no matter what, I'm not letting you go through anything else to make our situations closer," she says, which makes me nods.

"I'm lucky to have you," I mumble which causes her to smile.

"I have something I want to give you, a little birthday present before your birthday," she mutters before taking a small box out of her pocket.

She hands it to me where I open it to reveal a small necklace.

It's gold with a rose pendant at the end, two leaves stick out of the end of the rose and the petals are golden too, it's beautiful.

"Something to remind you of your mom," she says, I hold my hair up as she places the necklace around my neck.

"I hope you like it," she smiles at me as I let my hair down, I return the smile before looking down at it.

It hangs down my neck and lays on my chest perfectly, "Thanks,I love it" I say before she smiles and begins to speak.

"I could use some ice cream right now," Veronica says causing me to chuckle.

"There's an ice cream place down the road, we could walk there if you like," I suggest, she nods before we both get up.

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐨𝐨𝐧

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