𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐈|𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩

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"Who's going to cook? because I'm one starving bitch,"

"What's wrong, you haven't said a word to me since we got here last night," Adonis questions as I slip my socks onto my feet, ignoring him completely

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"What's wrong, you haven't said a word to me since we got here last night," Adonis questions as I slip my socks onto my feet, ignoring him completely.

"You even made me sleep on the floor," he shrugs gesturing his hands, as he looks at me nervously.

"Correction, I didn't made you sleep on the floor, you did that after you tried talking to me and I didn't respond," I mutter to me before standing onto my feet.

I make my way over to the door where he blocks me, making me stop in my steps.

"Just tell me what I did," he mumbles lowly, his eyes filled with sorrow, as they pierce into mine, he places his hand on the side of my neck, sending chills through my body.

"I'm just mad you let my hand go after what Vanessa said," I breath, the words rolling off my tongue take a weight off my shoulder as they enter the air.

His expression softens and he chuckles to himself lowly before staring back me.

"I let your hand go because mine were sweating," he speaks, his voice low as he gives me a small smile.

As I hear the words leave his lips, I drop my head on his chest,looking down as the redness filling my cheeks,I begin to feel embarrassed.

"It's okay, we all overthink sometimes," he mutters against my head, his voice genuine and gentle.

"I'm sorry," I say, bringing my eyes back to his which switches between my lips and eyes, he places his hands on my waist pulling me in closer.

I wrap my arms around his neck before he leans in and places a warm kiss on my lips, his arms move across my waist.

A small gasp escapes my lips as he pulls me up onto his waist, where I wrap my legs around him, his hands are placed respectively under my butt, as he walks over to the bed, placing me down gently.

His lips leave me as he gently kisses my neck, trailing down slowly as they touch my collarbone, my hands bury themselves in his hair as slowly trails back up to my neck.

A low moan escapes my lips and he decides to stay in the spot where it did, he sucks softly against my skin causing louder moans to fulfill the air.

He slowly pulls away from my neck after a while and lays his lips on mine before pulling away completely.

"What'd you do?" I questions feeling the sore sensation on my neck,he smiles to himself before shrugging.

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