𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐈𝐈| 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐏𝐭 𝐓𝐰𝐨

513 34 6

"What page are you on?"

April splashes me with water after I make a joke about her chocolate addiction, causing me to laugh

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April splashes me with water after I make a joke about her chocolate addiction, causing me to laugh.

"I don't blame her, chocolate is one of the best creations," Charlie expresses.

"I can't believe we're talking about April's addiction,"Jackson complains.

"Oh don't even let us start about your ecstacy addiction," Vanessa provoked, everyone started laughing at her remarks.

"Is it ecstacy or weed?" I question.

"Might as well be both," Kegan chuckles.

"Okay okay let my brother be," Thomas says as we all settle down from the laughter.

"How about someone go bring some snacks," April suggests, causing us to chuckle.

"I'll go," I say before getting out, the cold air immediately hits my body as I leave the hot water, I pick up my towel and wrap it around my body before heading inside to the kitchen.

I grab a few snacks out of a bag, as I heard another person come inside, I turn around and immediately get startled by the person standing behind me.

"Jackson," I breath, my heart returning to it's original beat, I take a deep breath before speaking.

"What are you doing inside," I question, soon the smell of weeds hits my nostrils.

"I have to talk to you, alone," he says, his voice low as he speaks, he's drenched in water as it spills onto the floor.

"You're high, Jackson," I say, before pushing past him, before I can get any further, he grabs my wrist, his hand tightening around it causing me to wince.

"Jackson let go," I groan trying to wiggle out of his grip.

"Please just let me talk to you," he mutters slowly releasing my hand, soon a voice speaks to the both of us.

"What's going on?" his voice louder than of us as I turn to face him.

"Everything's fine Adonis just go back to the jacuzzi," Jackson answers before I can say anything, Adonis's jaw is clenched, his hands are folded together holding a fist tightly,as his eyes swarm over Jackson.

I place my hand on Adonis's chest, catching his attention, "He's under the influence," I mutter to him lowly, causing his expression to soften.

Jackson pushes past us before taking up the snacks, "Came for these anyway," he mutters before walking back outside.

"Isabelle," Adonis mumbles, his eyes dart over to my wrist that has a red circle around it, I didn't realise it, I didn't know he held my hand that hard.

"I'm gonna beat his ass," he mutters turning around but I pull him back and make him look at me.

"Hey calm down, it's okay," I say, placing my arms around his neck, his jaw stays clench and I do the one thing I think would work

I lay my lips on his softly, as he pulls me closer, "I'm fine," I mutter before he picks me up and places me on to the counter.

"Jackson has no self control, you can't be alone with him, ever," he mumbles, his voice soft, almost hesitant.

"I won't be alone with him, ever,"

He sticks out his pinky just as I did when he said I'd be safe with him, I chuckle before wrapping my pinky around his, he smiles before kissing my forehead.

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After the jacuzzi, everyone took a shower, then played some board games before heading to our rooms, I decided to read one of the books I'd pack when Adonis walks into the room, rubbing a towel over his drenched hair.

I distract myself with my book as I read the chapter, my eyes soon drift off to him, his sweatpants hang dangerously low on his waist.

He has on no shirt which shows me his tattoos fully, his lower arm has tattoo he has is a filming Ace card, while under it is a king, while the upper has a butterfly with a two birds.

Before I can identify anymore, he walks over to me, taking my book away from me with his fingers and begins to read it aloud.

"Give it back," I complain, sitting up as he reaches it up into the air to annoy me.

"You weren't reading it," he teases causing me to roll my eyes and stand on the bed before grabbing it back from him.

"Yes I was," I scoff before laying back onto the bed.

Adonis lays next to me as I read the book, he pulls me into his chest before kissing my head, soon I put down the book before facing him.

"I'm sorry about Jackson," he mutters, placing his head into my neck.

"Not your fault," I say, before his soft lips graze against my skin, sending sparks through my body, he wraps his arms around me, as I bury my hands in his hair.

He suddenly pulls away before speaking, "Let me see your hand," he says as I past him my hand he chuckles.

"The other one love," he mutters, casuing me to blush before I give him my other hand, he looks around my wrist where the mark is, then he slowly places small kisses around it, before looking back at me.

He slowly leans in before connecting his lips with mine, I climb onto his lap as his hand slip down to my waist, I place onto the side of his neck as the kiss slowly turns into lust.

Surprisingly he pulls away first, his eyes linger in mine before he takes a deep breath, I soon chuckle at him before placing my head on his chest.

He smiles before picking up the book I placed aside, "What page are you on?" He questions in a low manner.

"Page one hundred and twenty," I answer,I can hear him turn the pages of the book then he starts to read from the beginning of the page, his free arm wraps around me as he reads, soon causing me to fall asleep.

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐨𝐨𝐧

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End Of Chapter twenty three, I  hope you enjoyed it, if you did leave a comment or vote so I know~Ash<3

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