𝐗𝐋𝐈|𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐞

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"You've been running with us looking like you have a stick up your ass,"

"You've been running with us looking like you have a stick up your ass,"

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Veronica storms into my room at the time of eight am to go work out.

Did I really want to? No

Did I have a choice, of course not.

"Why exactly are we doing this," Lexi says her gasps quickening with each word as we jog.

"Because I'm here for a week without Jaxson," Veronica says, turning to face us, she's jogging backwards of course.

Lexi stops abruptly, she places her hands on her knees panting for air.

"Gosh are you that tired?" I chuckle, she rolls her eyes at me before drinking some water Veronica handed to her.

"Slightly unfair Athena gets to skip this," Lexi says hand the bottle back into Veronica hands after she took a sip.

"She's on vacation," Veronica says, earning an eye roll from Lexi.

"So are we," Lexi expresses as we begin to jog again.

"Oh shush,"

"Izzy, why are you running like that?" Lexi laughs causing me to come to a stop.

"Like what?" I ask causing both of them to stop and look at me.

"Run again," Veronica says causing me to roll my eyes.

"Obviously I'm going to run differently if I know you're looking," I groan.

"Just run,"

Rolling my eyes once again, I jog little in forth of them,"Oh gosh," I hear Veronica say causing me to scrunch my brows together.

"You've been running with us looking like you have a stick up your ass," Veronica says.

"Wait, why were you wearing Adonis' shirt to brunch?" Lexi inquires.


"I was at his apartment and I didn't have any extra clothes, can we get back to jogging now?" I question trying to change the topic.

"You did it!" Veronica exclaims, I turn around ignoring her remarks.

"Back to jogging," I say, jogging off but they pull me back.

"What have we said about secrets?" Veronica questions crossing her chest with her arms.

"It breaks us apart," I mutter causing Lexi to clap softly.

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