Chapter 3

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A/n's Pov

The business trip became haggard as expected... The two haven't really got into a conversation but there's two things that Gray noticed between the two...

The way they sent glare and have cold shoulders towards each other caught his attention...

He's really certain that there's something going on between the two... And perhaps he could do something about it since there'll be a party for the succession of their business trip before going back home....

And that party will be held this day, today, at the most known bar in (insert your dream country).

"Can't I just skip?" Y/n sighed loudly before taking a sip over her juice. "I mean, there'll be a lot of peop-"

"There'll be like... only 10 of us and we'll be renting a VIP room so don't worry" Gray chuckled as he then checked his SNS open to read his new messages.

"But I don't want to drink... At least not with him around" Y/n murmured the last part.. but Gray, who clearly heard it, gave her a curious stare. "What??" Y/n raised an eyebrow then took a sip on her drink once again.

"Who's him?"

"N-no one" She cleared her throat... "Just no one.." Y/n couldn't help but to stole a glance over Killua who was focused on watching the passers outside the window.

"What's up with you and Zoldyck's CEO by the way? I know that your companies were fighting but I don't know what's the reason behind-"

"Stop interfering on other's business Gray... Just think  of something to reason out if
your girlfriend ever find out that you're gonna drink tonight" Y/n took a long pause then stared directly towads Gray. "After all, she's not just possessive... She's more like obsessed"

"Hey little girl, you're just jealous because you're brok- don't tell me that the boy you was referring all this time was Killua?!" Gray exclaimed then averted his gaze over the white haired boy who was already suspiciously looking at them.

"What are you talking about? We just clearly hate each other geeze" Y/n stood up defensively, not even thinking of looking over Killua before walking out.

"Tch" Killua scoffed before leaving his table to go back to his room...

Well actually, joining Y/n inside the elevator on purpose too...

Killua's Pov

I couldn't help but to let out a small bitter chuckle when I saw Y/n's eager face to shut the elevator just when she saw me approaching.

"I never thought you have such bad manners towards others Ms. Y/n" I sneaked a hand between the door before it closes, as a smirked appeared on my face when she gave me a glare.

"If it comes to you then why not?"

"Tch, you even talked something about me behind my back..." I gave out a long pause as I stared directly on her face, still wearing the smirk over my face... "I wonder what is it ..."

"I-it's just something about the company" She looked up to me... "So will you please stop accusing me over something??"

"If it's related about our past then why not?" I pressed the top floor button...

'i'll seriously need sometime to cool off after this' I gave out a silent sigh, on which she didn't noticed...

"What are you gonna do up there?"

"Tch, why do you care?" I raised an eyebrow as we stared at each other just when the elevator rung...


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