Chapter 9

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Fun time with the gang pt.1

A/n's Pov

The day of their vacation finally came... The group that has been apart after college has been reunited once again. But sadly, there's someone missing at their group. And it was the typical Leorio.

I mean he was actually busier than everyone thought. It was actually disappointing that he couldn't come as he insisted for the other's to continue their outing.... Even without him...

"Where should we meet?" A familiar h/c haired girl asked her friend over a phone.

"Just wait for us outside, we'll fetch you"

"You guys were already together?"

"Nope, we still need to drive to Killua's after you- by the way, we're almost there. I'll turn this off now" And just right after that, the call has been ended.

"Welp I gotta go now" Y/n sighed as she wore her backpack then fixed her shades. "Relaxing beach here I come!" She cheered then left her house with a big smile after hearing a car honking.

"Coming!" She jogged towards the others as she was greeted by Mizuki and Alluka with a tight hug.

"Y/n-chan! I miss you!!"

"Don't be overly dramatic, we met few days ago" Y/n playfully rolled her eyes then sat at the very back.

"Why don't you sit here beside me Y/n-chan?" Alluka patted the seat beside her as the h/c haired girl politely decline.

"I'm fine here, besides... I don't want to become a third wheel" She laughed along with the others as the car- or should i say, minivan... Started running once again.

"Tch, nice excuse to sit beside Killua" Mizuki exclaimed, laughing along with the others as Y/n only shake her head.

'Right... They still didn't know that the two of us were back together' Y/n sweat dropped

"Ne Y/n-chan, I had heard that your business trip went stressing. They said that you two won't stop throwing tantrums towards each other" Gon suddenly interjected as the others look back to see Y/n's reaction

"O-oh..." Y/n scratched the back of her head then left out a small chuckle. "That was nothing"

"C'mon! Just when are you two going to be back together?!" Mizuki sulked as the ride must be that fast as they were now Infront of Killua's house.

"Well, that was fast" Y/n shrugged then changed the topic....

----Time skip----

They waited for Killua to arrive since he texted Gon, saying that he haven't pack anything yet...

He must have forgotten since he stayed over Y/n's last night...

As of now, all of them just stayed inside the vehicle. Just in an comfortable silence as Y/n's face suddenly brighten when she saw a familiar white haired boy who just opened the door with ease.

"Yo!" Killua greeted as Mizuki couldn't help but to squeal when she saw how Killua didn't even hesitate to sit beside Y/n.

No one actually thought that it was possible to happen especially that they mostly gave cold shoulders towards each other at their past interactions...

Like clearly, no one really got any idea that they were actually all good now...

"Woah are we sitting by pair l?" Mizuki made sure that two would hear it. "A newly wed, an engaged couple and the two exes. Great!" She said sarcastically making the white haired boy cleared his throat awkwardly.

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