The Comic Book

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Comic lover, Haden, and his nephew, Stan, go to the garage sale of Stan's friend Wesley's family.

Haden: Do you think they have any comics here?

Stan: Ask Wesley. WESLEY!

Wesley goes over to Stan and Haden.

Wesley: What's up? Gonna buy something?

Stan: Depends on what we find.

Haden: Do you have any comic books around here?

Wesley: No. But my grandpa did have a bunch in the basement.

Wesley leads Haden and Stan into the basement.

Wesley: My mom said to sell anything. So I guess, see if you want anything.

Haden sees multiple comic books on the walls of the basement, all in hardshell cases.

Haden: Some pretty good ones here.

Stan: Any that you want, uncle Haden?

Haden: Yeah, Stan. One, so far.

Then he sees it. Haden spots a comic book he never thought he would see in person in his whole entire life. He had seen how much money it was worth and how hard it is to obtain. Now, here in this basement, it's right in his grasp.

Haden: H. . . How much are you selling them for?

Wesley: What?

Haden turns to Wesley.

Haden: Do you want any of these?

Wesley: I don't like comics. I'd rather watch the movies.

Haden sees that this is the opportunity of a lifetime. He knows this comic that has caught his eye is worth more money than he makes in a year. He points to it.

Haden: I'll give you ten dollars for this one.

Wesley: Ten dollars? No. I need more than that. I know these are really old, so they've got to be worth something.

Haden: Ten dollars for this one, and ten dollars for that one. You'll have made yourself a quick twenty dollars.

Wesley thinks about it.

Wesley: . . . Eh, I don't know.

Stan: Come on, man. Just sell it. What are you gonna do with it?

Wesley: Get more money for them.

Haden: The truth is, these are really old. I just want to have them because I like them. You're not going to make much that much money out of them. I'll tell you what, since you're my nephew's friend and you are trying to make money.

Haden looks into Wesley's eyes.

Haden: I'll give you twenty dollars for each comic I buy.

Wesley: Which ones do you want?

Haden points to the extremely rare one worth thousands of dollars and another one worth over a hundred.

Haden: These two. I don't have that much money on me, but I'll give you twenty dollars each. What do you say?

Wesley: . . . Sure. Twenty dollars each.

Haden does his best to contain himself and not show how happy he is.

Haden: It's a deal.

Wesley smirks, thinking he ripped off Haden for charging him forty dollars for two comic books. Haden happily gives him two twenty-dollar bills.

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