back story

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it's Monday morning and I just woken up to 5 texts from Emily 




I got up super quick and rang down stairs grabbed a muffin and ran back up stairs and rang Emily. I sat on my bed heavily breathing after i just ran up the stairs in less than 10 seconds. 

Emily's text: i'm at school you coming today?

SHIT I yelled I forgot about school. I quickly ran into my dresser and picked out a pair of ripped jeans and an over sized tee-shirt. I rushed to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth at the same time. packed my school bag and ran down stairs 

grabbed my house keys. locked the door and went to grab my bike before I notice a black Volkswagen at my drive way. My jaw dropped and I faked gasped "well if it isn't Mr Letson in my drive way" I said with a large smile on my face "get in were already late" he said with a smirk on his face. I jumped in the car to see him wearing plain brown shorts and a blue button up. without the buttons done up. I couldn't help but stare at his abs "you know its not nice to stare right" he said without taking his eyes of the road "oh shut up Aiden seriously the last thing I want to see is your body" I rolled my slightly. he just chuckled and kept driving.

 we arrived and everyone was staring at us l always knew everyone was staring at Bonnie and I when we walked together because she's like 'one of the popular girls' or whatever but never with Aiden I mean I know he's popular but it felt like the hole school was looking at his car. "Don't you dare move" he demanded. I didn't have any words and I just sat there as he came around to my side of the car and opened the door I smiled softly while holding his hand to hop out of the car. I heard this familiar voice when I hoped out of the car "get of her Aiden" bonnie seemed really frustrated I walked up to bonnie with the hole school still staring at us "Bonnie i'm fine" I said looking her in the eyes "why did he take you to school he said he was going early to pick up food" she said with a consered look on her face. "i'm not sure I was about to grab my bike and he was sitting there in his car" I said while walking beside her "lets go fine the group" 

"LUCY" I heard a massive scream from the other side of the hall. "OMG EMILY" I ran towards her and put my hands on her shoulders "tell me what's going down today" she explained that she was not going to be dating Koby anymore because apparently Preston has feeling for her and she's has them back I wasn't really paying attention all I was thinking about was how Aiden looked at me when I held his hand "Lucy" she clicked her fingers in front of me "you alive" I got stopped looking of to space and said "yeah yeah well i'm really glad your breaking up with Koby you guys weren't a good match" I smiled at her softly "what were you thinking about before" I looked her dead in the eye before I whispered in her ear "I keep thinking about the ride on the way school" I looked at her and she looked back in at me with confusion "what like your bike ride here or..." I completely forgot she wasn't at the front gate when I walked into school "oh shit I forgot to tell you Aiden picked me up and drove me to school" her eyes opened wide "wait you mean like Bonnie's brother" I looked at the ground then looked back up at her with a guilty look on my face "What! no way your not falling for him are you" I replied with a quick "yes what no well I don't know" she chuckled "oh come on he's a player" I looked at her but she was to busy looking at Preston "omg" I laughed "i'm going to class" 

I got into class and the only seat was next to Koby my bestfriends a about to be ex boyfriend. I sat down "Hey I saw Emily this morning" I rolled my eyes and heard a buzzing noise from my phone I raised my hand sir can I take this it's my mum "I'll give you 5 minutes" I grabbed my bag and walked outside I answered the phone  "Aiden omg I had to pretend you were my mum I  was in class aren't you suppos-" he cut me of "Hey to you to" he chuckled " what do you want Aiden" I wish he could've seen the look on my face when he asked "Wanna skip with me" I got butterflies in my stomach I had always been a good kid in school but it was with Aiden but then I kept thinking about Bonnie's rule "Lucy, Aiden is off limits" I couldn't help but think about how this could be the start Aiden and I "Fine just this one time ok" 

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