"i'm not doing this shit im not going with you"

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I woke up to my phone buzzing on my side table. I thought it was Aiden or even Emily. I saw the name of the contact and immediately froze, I slowly picked up the phone I wasn't sure how long my phone had been going of before I woke up I put the phone to my ear. 

"Hi beautiful" I rolled my eyes at the nickname my dad called me I heard my mum in the back ground "don't call me that" I spat into the phone. My parents went silent for about 10 seconds until my mum broke the silence "we have some news" 

"well that's never good" I scoffed "We coming to see you" I got up as soon as they said that not in excitement more in shock or almost fright "no your not" I said hoping they would say there joking I scoffed when they didn't speak "were coming on the" I cut my dad off "I don't want to know" 

I hang up the phone in frustration I needed to message someone I really needed to talk to someone, someone who actually understood what I was going threw I couldn't think of anyone I new I should've at least told Emily or Bonnie but I didn't want them to stress about it. I decided I was going to take a shower to forget out all off it. well I did absolute opposite I couldn't get it off my mind. my sight started to be blurry I felt water run down my face. A tear over my parents I tried to stop the tears but they built up into a mental break down. 

I got out of the shower and got ready for school.  I walked out off my house I grabbed my keys and walked down my street. I was listening my playlist with my air pods in to hope that it would make me feel a little better I heard a car slow down near me. One thing I hated the most besides my parents was walking alone it made me want to run into the distance and be left alone no phone, no friends, no parents finding where I am. I turned around and saw this black volt swagen I rolled my eye "fancy seeing you here" Aiden chuckled lightly "shut up Aiden" I rolled my eyes I knew I had to act fine as no one knew about my parents "well you getting in" I shook my head in response Aiden furrowed his eyebrows when i shook my head I hope he didn't think he did anything wrong "oh come on, just get it" I giggled "fine" I opened the car door the ride there was silent for about 5 minutes "did I do something" He said while grabbing my hand and holding it while driving with his free hand. "no" I whispered I knew he wanted to ask me what was going on but he didn't I wondered why he didn't ask me I wouldn't have told him the truth but I just wanted him to at least act like he cared. 

We got to school he got out off the car and opened up the passenger sit door with his hand out I softly smiled before I grabbed onto his hand and jumped out off the car. "Lucy" he whispered into my ear I nod "your phones ringing princess" I chuckled and I got my phone out of my back pocket of my black denim shorts. I shoved my phone back into my pocket as quick as I could I walked over to the group. 

I was listening to the group until I saw Aiden looking at me I mouthed 'thank you' for the car ride this morning I left Aiden as soon as I got the call this morning I didn't want to him to ask. 

Aiden nodded his head in response everything was so normal this past week I've felt like so much has happen I tried to get my mind to stop thinking about my parents but it wasn't working I was getting really worried about my safety I didn't want them home. They barley called or texted 

"Lucy your parents are here to pick you up" I turned to ryley as I saw his eyes widen as he slowly looked out me I started to get that blurry eye sight that happen this morning I rarely cried in front of ryley or anyone for that matter my friends knew I didn't cry in front of anyone now theres me tearing up in front of the hole class. "Lucy" my teacher waved in my face "um just tell them I'm busy with school they'll understand" Ryley shook his head at my mums but he wouldn't understand his parents have been with him his hole life. "Lucy you have to go with them it's the rules" By now I wouldn't be surprised if the entier class was staring at me at this point I didn't care I walked to the door I turned back to my class "just know if I don't come back ryley this is our last goodbye" I felt a tear drop onto my cheek I wiped it away as soon as I felt it. I walked out of the classroom 

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