,,I wish I never met you"

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I woke up sweaty after the dream I had just had. I didn't even know why it came to my mind the dream was Weird I wanted to fall back asleep and dream it again but I knew I had to get up and get ready for school I took my phone of charge and turned my phone off do not disturb. My phone wasn't always going off it like it seems to be this last week.
I didn't look at my phone all morning I got dressed and had a shower I brushed my teeth and walked out side with my house keys.

I started walking past the Letson's house I looked straight into Aiden's window I hated ignoring him it would've been fine if I told him we would've been on the same page but I didn't want to ask him I wanted to be independent for once my friends always looked after me I was literally younger than Preston by like 9 days. I liked it when my friends looked after me but sometimes it happens to often. I was admiring the house until I heard a scream "LUCY" my eyes widen "oh shit sorry I thought you were asleep" I smiled softly as she walked closer to me "it's fine I'm still in my PJ's but can we talk" I just nodded in response I walked inside in fright I wasn't sure if Aiden was going to be there  it was around 7:00am which is when he usually is out walking. "Hey is your brother home?" I asked with a concerned look on my face "I don't even know I only just woke up why do you ask"
"No reason" I awkwardly smiled while walking into the kitchen "help yourself you know your way around my house" I  chuckled at her words "I'm going to do my morning pee" Bonnie laughed at her owns words "gross" I laughed I went to grab a bottle of water out of the fridge I open the door and leant down to grab the water I felt a hot breath on my neck "look I don't know what the fuck is going on with you but you need to cut it out understand" I knew that voice I got butterflies and spun around to face him his hand on top of the fridge door "or what" I rolled my eyes while speaking "oh your going to regret that" Before I could say anything to response he was out of my sight I shut the door and acted like nothing happen Bonnie sat back down. Her sister had just woken up and her mum was taking care of them.

Her sister were so cute I loved them to bits I had loved it when they had just woken up and I could see them in there little cute PJ's and there bed hair. Bonnie was making cereal for the girls while I sat down and drank my water. I couldn't help but think about what Aiden said.
The girls walked down the stairs and I got up and gave them a hug before going back and sitting on table "I'm going to go get ready for school your dressed right?" I shook my head in response "come with me" I smiled and walked upstairs while waving to Bonnies little sisters I went into her room she threw a white tank top at me and I caught it then she gave me a denim blue shirt I went to her bathroom and changed. I changed awfully quickly as I knew Aiden's room was on the other side I struggled to put on the shirt I started to stress out I couldn't wear my active wear to school I heard Aiden's door open leading into the bathroom "having some trouble there princess" I rolled my eyes in response He grabbed my wrist gently and took me into his room he shut the door behind him so I was leaning against  the door. He slowly kissed my neck then my jaw then my lips. I pulled away and shook my head I went over to his draws and picked out some grey sweat pants and walked out "oh come on seriously I know you miss me" he whisper behind me I smiled and turned back so I was facing him. I couldn't even speak before his lips pressed against mine "I don't miss you but I'm sure you miss me" I chuckled "seriously Lucy" I rolled my eyes "don't go to school today trust me" I nodded in response it took me a minute I knew I should've gone to school my parents get emailed every time I don't go to school but they can only kill me once right

"Lucy come on we're going to be late" Bonnie said while knocking on the door  "come in" I said while placing myself on the floor "I have really bad period cramps" I lied I knew Aiden had a smirk on his face and I couldn't even see him. "Ughhh isn't this like the 2nd time this week you haven't been at school" I shrugged in response Bonnie eyed down the pants that I had on "who's pants..." Shit I thought in my head I had completely forgot I had those sweat pants on "your brothers the skirt didn't fit" I smiled trying to play it cool. She nodded in response and held her hand out to help me up then the door opened "what's wrong princess" he smirked "cut it out Aiden" Bonnie said while clenching her jaw "I have cramps" I rolled my eyes trying not to smile "that sucks your going to have to spend the day with me" Bonnies eyes widened "WHAT NO SHES GOING HOME TO REST IDIOT" Aiden chuckled "you really think mums going to let Lucy stay at home while she's in this much pain" Bonnie rolled her eyes "then she'll be spending the day with mum and the younger ones" Bonnie said and I smiled I loved having out with Bonnies mum and little siblings but I really wanted to hang out with Aiden even though I knew how much more annoyed Bonnie would be when she found out.

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