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The restaurant looked like a really old and beautiful place. The tables were low it almost felt like sitting on the floor. It smelled so good inside. The staff is a very old married couple. There was no one else but us. When we sat down, they immediately brought us the menu. Jimin put the menu in the middle of the table and we started choosing what to eat. He called the older employee and explained what we asked for, one by one and descriptively, he was very kind and respectful towards the employees.

After the waiter brought the food, I bowed slightly and greeted him. When I looked at Jimin, he took off his jacket and hat and ran his hands through his hair, trying to straighten it. I have smelled the shampoo he used to. It was fruity and mixed with his perfume. A better scent emerged.

When I looked at him he kept pointing at me for my food, his little boy's smile on his face again. I've been trying to grab and hold chopsticks, but the only thing I haven't learned since I've been in Korea is how to use chopsticks. I raised my hand and shyly called the waiter. Jimin sat back and stared at me with a smile.

'' Jeoonghamnida ajeossi, can you get a fork for me? '' I said shyly, the old man smiled and, bowing his head a few times, went to the kitchen and brought a fork. I took it from his hand and greeted him again. '' Gamsahamnida. ''

After the old man left, Jimin started laughing out loud, almost laughing with his whole body. And he was about to fall off the chair. After he regained his balance, he looked at me.

'' Don't laugh! '' I said looking at him, but he was still laughing. I think he was having fun with me.
'' How long have you lived here? '' Jimin asked and laughed.
I said, " I think it's been 4 months," and after thinking for a while, I started to eat my food.
'' You almost learned to speak Korean, you even learned hand gestures. You know how to talk to people. But you still don't know how to use chopsticks."  he said.
'' Yeah. '' I said, shaking my head, feeling my face turn red.
'' Gwiyeowo. '' he said with a smile and took the chopsticks and held my hands.

The moment he held my hands, I was shocked by static electricity. I quickly pull my hands away and pull the sleeves of my sweater and cover up my hands. He was looking at me and trying to figure out what was going on.

'' Sorry, it was because of my sweater. ''
Jimin smiled and shook his head. " It's okay, I'll teach you. Give me your hands. ''  He held out his hand towards me and smiled.

I reached my hands out to him again and he grabbed my hands and picked up the chopsticks. His hands were very small, but at the same time very masculine. This time there were no rings on his fingers, only a watch. He had a mole on his pinky. They were so soft. I felt like I was touching a cotton ball.

" Shouldn't I hold it like I'm holding a pencil? '' I said. 

 I knew I had to focus, but my heart was beating like it was going to explode. He shook his head as if to say no, and without raising his head, he stared at me. He was staring at me without taking his eyes off me, and I could feel my body contract and my face turn red, and he could feel it too. He caressed my hand and smiled slowly.

While we ate, there was a great silence between us

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

While we ate, there was a great silence between us. We were just eating our meals without speaking, but I was the reason for this silence. All of a sudden I found myself in a pool of thoughts. Sometimes he would look at me and smile while he was eating. He placed the egg on his plate on my plate and smiled. I could hear my phone vibrating, I couldn't believe the name I saw on the screen when I took my phone out of my bag. My ex-boyfriend was calling. I turned the phone off and put it back in my bag.

'' I can leave you alone. You can talk comfortably, '' he said in a soft tone.
'' Believe me, he would be the last person I wanted to talk to. ' ' I said with smiling '' It wasn't important. ''
'' Since you talk like that, it seems very upsetting to you, '' he said, putting his hand on his chin and looking at me.
" You've been looking so thoughtful since we had dinner.  About what? Is there a problem at the cafe? If you have a problem, you can tell me. After all, we're in this together. ''  he said in a soft tone again. His full lips were maturing even more as he spoke, and he spoke quietly and calmly like a baby.
'' There is no problem in the cafe, everything is going well. I just have a few problems in my private life and I'm trying to solve them. ''  I was talking looking around, and when I looked at him, he never took his eyes off me. He was looking into my eyes as if he was trying to read my soul.
'' I came here only to feel happier and more peaceful. And I've been happy since I came here, but some things are still missing. ''
'' What are those missing things? ''  he asked slowly.
'' My best friend. ''  I said and take a deep breath. " Oh it's okay, I don't want to ruin your night either. Let's not talk. ''
" You have to bring out the things you keep inside, you know it will get worse if you don't bring out the things you keep inside, right? ''  He took my hand again and gently stroked it. I almost looked like I was going to cry. I took a deep breath and took off my glasses and placed them on the table.
'' If you want to cry, cry, it's fine to cry. Never hold back tears. ''

vivid dreams - BTSHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin