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Park Jimin 

The guy who helped me to change my whole world in a cutie, lovely, sexy way. Since I'm with him, I don't think we had even one problem together. We can communicate very well, understand each other even when we just look at each other for a moment and he never even thinks about ignoring me when I'm in his life. Unlike my ex-boyfriend.  He has always been someone who thinks about himself and his own pleasures. His friends were very different. They wanted to try as many different things as there were. And I had to keep up with them, even though I didn't want to.  I was tired of playing games around them all the time because I didn't like what they were doing. They always wanted to party and have a drink. 

I have to mention the time when I left home right now because that needs an explanation.

 The day I decided to leave that home was so different for me and to be honest, when I think about the past right now, my head becomes just empty. I don't remember so many things and I think this is better in this way. However, I could just suddenly leave because I had a plan in my head. I was looking for a job opportunity for a while, we always talked with Marw about having our own cafe one day but I knew that, if we would stay there with them, that would never happen but I always saved up for that idea.
My family always helped me with this and I'm really not the kind of person who will waste her money on some brand items of clothing and so on. So, I saved it.  I was thinking about leaving that place which was putting me in such a bad mood all the time and I thought about where I should go, I thought I should go so far away like really may be another side of the world. 

Then, one night while I was awake, I don't know why but I couldn't have nice sleep there anyway, I was awake and I saw one AD on the internet, I don't even know how I ended up there but I saw in South Korea, there was a new holding type of building was building up and they shared some concept ideas for it and they were looking for people who would like to come up with their concept for some departments. I saw some art-related titles and I saw they were thinking about a Cafe inside too. I wanted to try my chance and I prepared a portfolio with my ideas and concepts for it. The menu, the color-themed, design, etc, everything. 
I wanted the theme of the cafe to be different from other cafes. A place where you can paint, buy flowers, and feel yourself in an art studio rather than in a cafe.

I also added the budget that I can put in also. 3 weeks later I got a mail from them and they said they would like to discuss my idea together, I accepted it and I remember I went out to skype with the people from Korea. Everything was going so smoothly and I couldn't believe my luck for the first time in my life. I didn't say anything to anyone tho, not even Marw because I know she would try to stop me at that point.
I had to do this for myself and after that, I thought I could convince Marw too.
After a month, I got approval for my cafe project but I needed an Investor also because my budget was not enough but they told me that they already found someone from the company who would like to invest in it so I did not have to do something on that too.

 I applied for my working Visa, they helped me with some paper works, I bought my tickets. 
 One day I woke up and just left.  The second I left that place, I felt that huge relief in me, I felt free and I knew that I don't have to turn back anymore.  Whole the time while I was flying I was a bit nervous because I was thinking about Marw at that point but she was too blind with H's effect and I didn't want to interrupt this. On the 3rd day of my being in Seoul, I knew that I will be going to have my meeting with the people at the new HYBE building, before that I organized my apartment, which was really small but I felt at home there.

vivid dreams - BTSHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin