𝐎 𝐍 𝐄: bed rest

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Everyone, including Pietro himself had believed he had died. He was covered in bullet holes, laying, and bleeding out on the grounds of his home country, Sokovia. Pietro didn't wish for his survival, though, he wasn't praying for his death, either. He knew his chances weren't looking great, and he needed to be okay with whatever the outcome would be.

That was six months ago. Luckily, by the time Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye had pulled Pietro onto the plane, and got him into the Quinjet, some of Pietro's bullet holes had been plugged, stopping some of the bleeding. He was quickly cared for on the flight back to the Avengers compound, and somehow, by some miracle, made it through. It was recommended by Tony and the team that Pietro go and spend sometime with the Barton's to heal up fully before coming back to training. It was quiet at the Barton's. Laura was a nurse, so it made sense for Pietro to be there in his recovery.

Pietro had spent about 95% of his recovery in bed. Most everything was painful. His recovery went slower than he would've liked, but it was progress, and that's what mattered the most. One thing did make the whole recovery process easier, though.

Laura's food and cooking. She spared no expense at making sure Pietro was well fed, and had the food and fuel his body needed for a proper recovery. It had been years, easily, since Pietro had a proper meal, or proper food and nutrition. Now, here he was, food being brought to him in bed, leaving him full after every meal. It was comforting. Pietro was thankful.

However, this new experience of having proper meals, started to effect the speedy Sokovian. Not being able to leave bed for long, without pain, to run and exercise like he used to, and having large plates of food, and sizable snacks bright to him whenever he wanted it, started to add a few pounds to his once chiseled frame. It was nothing bad at first, if anything, it was a good thing. He did need to gain some weight.

But both Pietro and Laura, severely underestimated his appetite, and never ending hunger pangs. You see, Laura had figured that since Pietro could run at the speed of sound, and break the sound barrier, he must've had an extremely fast metabolism, thus, he'd require a lot of food to keep his body fueled, and going. While Pietro on the other hand, couldn't get enough. He was always hungry now. Laura's food was beyond amazing. He never left a crumb behind.

The results of his binging, and lack of exercise, only became apparent to Pietro when he was getting dressed one day. He was finally off of bed rest, and was finally going to get out of the bedroom.

Grabbing a pair of shorts, Pietro started to pull them up, only for them to get stuck slightly at his hips. Tugging harder, and becoming slightly winded, Pietro was able to get them on entirely. They were tight. Constricting, almost. Pietro furrowed his eyebrows together, looking down at the shorts. They clung onto him for dear life. Shaking his head, he grabbed a shirt, pulling it on. It went on just fine, though, it was slightly tight around his middle. Pietro was pulled away from his inquisitiveness when he had heard Laura call for him.

"Pietro! Come on down, I just pulled some sweets out of the oven."

Her voice echoed up the stairs. Pietro didn't even hesitate before he's making his way out of his room, and down the stairs, straight into the kitchen.

"Thought I smelled something cooking."  Pietro said, smile on his face as he walked straight over to the stove, where the sweets were all laid out. His favorites!

Brownies, cookies, cupcakes, and even a cheesecake. It all smelled so good. Laura really out did herself, again. Unable to resist temptation, Pietro grabbed a plate, and started to pile it high.

"I figured today was a day to celebrate. We're all so glad to see you up and moving again, P."

Laura said, smiling as her hand came to rest on Pietro's shoulder. "Help yourself, but don't get too full before dinner!" She added, a small laugh from her lips as she went to go tidy up.

Pietro only smiled at Laura, who became a mother figure of sorts, as she left the kitchen. With his plate piled high, Pietro took a seat at the table and started to stuff his bearded face. Both of his hands were full at all times. He couldn't get enough of the treats.

Pure ecstasy ran through his body as the various baked goods hit his taste buds. He would never get tired of Laura's cooking and baking. She always made everything taste so good. It was irresistible.

By the end of the night, after Pietro had enjoyed a plate, or four, of dinner with his second family, the Barton's, and of course, had a few more helpings of the desserts, Pietro's shirt was struggling to contain his distended middle. The lower third of his stomach, was peaking out, and Pietro found his hand resting on his stomach, rubbing it gently to soothe it.

Once he had finally made it up the stairs, and regained his breath, Pietro lumbered his way into the bathroom. He was curious to see how much damage Laura's food had done to his body.

Last he knew, Pietro weighed in at around 155 pounds, of mostly muscle. Stepping on the scale, Pietro hummed to himself as he waited for the numbers to appear. Once they had, he was shocked.

215 pounds. 60 pounds in 6 months. Roughly 10 pounds per month. Maybe he was eating too much. Maybe he should slow down.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Pietro gave his stomach a shake. He actually liked his stomach. Pietro no longer looked sickly and malnourished. He looked healthy for once.  So what if he gained some weight? He was happy, healthy, and thriving.

Besides, he couldn't just stop eating Laura's addictive food! It would be rude of him.

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