𝐓 𝐇 𝐑 𝐄 𝐄: reunited

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As the twins hugged, and were reunited for the first time since Pietro was shot, it was the final piece of the puzzle for Pietro. He felt complete now. He had his sister again, here, in his arms. Nothing could get better than that.

"I figured you could go with a nice surprise. ." Laura spoke, smiling softly as she watched the two. It was heart warming to see, truly. She hadn't seen Pietro smile that big, ever.

Pietro just looked back at Mrs. Barton and smiled, pressing a kiss to Wanda's head before he's pulling back from the hug to give her a look over.

"You look good.. did you get out of Sokovia okay?" Pietro asked, hand resting on his sisters shoulder, smile still painted on his face.

With a small nod, Wanda is laughing softly. Pietro was always so concerned with everyone. "I did. And I see you've recovered well.." Wanda's eyes wondered down to her brothers increasing middle, a slight raise of her eyebrow. She wouldn't judge, but it was surprising.

The Maximoff's and Barton's enjoyed their evening and meal together, making small talk, and catching up of course. Wanda shared about her training experience, and passed along everyone's wishes to Pietro, while Pietro spoke of his recovery and time with the Barton's.

However, maybe it was the social setting of the dinner, or it was purely Pietro's appetite growing, the former runner couldn't stop stuffing his face. He was going in for fifths, at this point, on top of finishing what everyone else couldn't on their own plates. Any time he talked, his mouth was full, and his hands were too. No crumb was left unfinished. Pietro had managed to completely clean out all of the food Laura had provided for the picnic within a matter of two hours. It was a feast, but Pietro viewed it as a small meal.

Wanda was shocked, watching her brother eat like that. Not once in their lives has she ever seen him with such an appetite. That would explain why Pietro was the largest he's ever been. His metabolism must've changed, she thought. It must've slowed. Wanda would only mention it if Pietro mentioned it, or if it became a bigger issue.

Having finally finished all of the food, and polishing off his drink, Pietro smiled, wiping his shirt from any crumbs ( to which there were practically none ). He leaned back, resting on his hands, only making his new stomach more pronounced. His shirt had rode up a bit, just above his belly button. Pietro would really need to get new shirts soon, his were getting comically small, especially the way he'd been eating lately. He'd be out growing them faster, he was sure. It wasn't entirely intentional, yet Pietro wasn't doing anything to slow it down, either. He enjoyed it.

Once the sun had started to go down, Laura figured it best for everyone to come back in the house, and wash up a bit before bed. Laura and the kids lead the way, while Wanda and Pietro trailed behind. They probably would've been closer behind to them, but they got hung up when Pietro needed help standing up. He had laid down while they were talking after a while, and was struggling to get himself back up, being weighed down by his full stomach.

"Help me up?" Pietro asked, extending an arm out for his sister to take. Wanda couldn't help but laugh softly, watching Pietro roll around, trying to gain enough momentum to get up. Grabbing his hand, Wanda pulled as strongly as she could, digging her feet into the ground for extra leverage. It took a few tugs, but eventually, Pietro was up on his feet.

"Thanks." He said, after a few labored breaths, and attempting to tug his shirt down, but with no luck. After that, the twins were walking, at a pretty slow pace, back to the house. By the time they had got there, Laura was already getting started on dessert, scooping ice cream into bowls, and garnishing with her signature brownies.

"You guys get lost out there?" She asked, a small laugh from her lips. Wanda was about to comment, when she noticed Pietro suddenly picking up his pace once his eyes spotted the dessert.

"I was gonna say I thought Pietro was a little full, and that's why we were slow, but I guess not." She laughed softly, shaking her head as she took a seat.

Pietro took his seat, the chair beneath him creaking slightly as he sat down, waiting for his bowl to be placed in front of him. He watched with hunger in his eyes, his stomach growling. The growl was loud enough for everyone to hear, and Laura made sure to give Pietro the biggest serving, knowing he'd probably be starving from that walk.

Once his bowl was set down in front of him, Pietro wasted no time in digging right in, cramming his face full of the delicious mix of ice cream and brownie. It didn't take him long to finish either. After about 5 minutes, he was finished, and leaning back into his chair, hand resting on his stomach.

"Amazing as always Laura, thank you." Pietro smiled, nodding as he let everything settle. That day alone, Pietro had probably eaten the equivalent of two or three days worth of calories and food, but he didn't seem to mind much. It wasn't like Laura ever said no to him.

Later that night, it came time for Wanda to go back to the Avengers compound. He'd walked her out to the pick up car, dreading this goodbye. Pietro knew that they'd see each other again, it wasn't that, it just he wasn't sure when they'd see each other again. Wanda was busy training, and Pietro was busy. . . recovering...

"Be safe. Train hard. Give Stark a hard time for me." Pietro said and laughed as he wrapped his arms around his sister, pulling her in for a tight hug. "I love you." He added.

Wanda smiled, returning the hug, though, it was difficult being close to him, with his stomach in the middle. "I will, don't you worry." She laughed softly, enjoying the embrace nonetheless. "I love you too. . will I be seeing more of you?" She asked, poking his stomach gently.

That caused Pietro to laugh, followed by a shrug. "Perhaps." He said, winking. "Go, before you miss curfew." Pietro teased, and watched as Wanda got into the car and drove off.

Before Pietro had gone to bed that night, he got curious. After a day full of eating as he did, he was curious to see how much weight he gained.

Stepping on the scale, and looking down, which his view was starting to be obstructed by his stomach, Pietro was gobsmacked by the number.

245 pounds. 30 pounds in just a few days. His appetite really was increasing, and his metabolism slowing. Yet, it was irresistible, and he wanted more.

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