𝐅 𝐈 𝐕 𝐄: stuck

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"I can't, I'm stuck. . ."


( Earlier in the day, an other few months from the last chapter. )

Pietro was sitting at his chair, eating breakfast as usual. The house was quiet. With the kids off at school, and Clint away, yet again, it was Laura and Pietro. However, today, they both remained quiet during their breakfast. Pietro was eating as if he never ate before, and Laura was simply watching as she picked at her food.

The only sounds were the clinking of Pietro's fork, as it fit his quickly emptying plates, and the ever increasing creaks of the chair from underneath him. Pietro was so fat now, that his stomach was resting on the chair whenever he sat down, and still spilled into his lap. He had large man boobs that rested atop his stomach, and his face now had a permanent double chin, with a fattening neck to accompany it.

Once the growing Sokovian was finally finished with his massive breakfast, his hands came to rest at his stomach, rubbing it gently, as he let out a few grunts and sighs. He was definitely stuffed. Making the mistake of leaning back into the chair, his massive weight with it, Pietro suddenly came crashing to the ground, the chair finally giving out. A gasp left his lips as he fell, followed by laughter as he was laying on the floor, on top of the broken chair. With each laugh, his stomach jiggled, bouncing too.

"Pietro! Are you okay?!"

Laura asked, quickly getting up from her hair, and walking over to him. She'd been aware that Pietro was getting bigger, it was clearly obvious, but the fact that he just broke a chair, really put it into perspective. His weight had crossed into a healthy, small little stomach, to chubby, and now, to massive. She was starting to realize that perhaps this is what Pietro wanted now, given he was laughing at the situation.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Pietro laughed softly again, sighing as he tried to get himself up. It was no use though. He was too fat to get up on his own. Huffing a few times as he tried to roll side to side to gain momentum, he gave up. "I need a hand.." Pietro mumbled, looking up at Laura, extending out a hand to the woman. Pietro probably outweighed her by hundreds of pounds now, so this would be interesting.

"On three.."

Laura said as she took his hand, making sure she had a tight grip. Once she had, she used all her strength to pull him up. "There.." Laura said, panting slightly. That was difficult.

Pietro tugged down his too tight shirt once he was standing, catching his breath. "Thank you." He smiled at Laura nodding. All of that "exercise" made him exhausted and hungry. . . again. Pietro walked, well, more waddled, his way over to the pantry, where he grabbed out a handful of cookies, shoving them into his mouth.

Laura sighed, watching him. It was getting out of control. She needed to say something. Walking over to him, hand gently resting on his shoulder, she sighed again.

"P, when was the last time you weighed yourself?" She asked, figuring to start there. Maybe he just looked bigger than he actually was. Just maybe.

Pietro had to think for a moment. He'd stopped weighing himself when he started to get exhausted from walking. Too much energy. "Uhh.." he said, leaning against the counter, arms crossing over his expanding chest.

"Maybe when I was 380?" He said, shrugging with a small nod as he looked at Laura. "Why?" He followed up.

Laura flashed a quick smile, and nodded. "You just broke a chair, bud.. don't you think this is maybe getting out of hand?" She asked, looking at his stomach, and then at him. "Why don't we put you on the scale, hmm? See what we're working with?" She offered, shrugging.

Pietro nodded slightly. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to check. He'd been curious anyways. "But, I like it. I like this. Just.. living. Not getting involved in things I shouldn't be. I'm finally happy.." Pietro was quick to add. This was the happiest he'd been in years.

Laura nodded, she understood. Life wasn't kind to the Maximoff kids, but she was still concerned. "I know, but, I'm just worried, that's all." She sighed as she went to go grab the scale from the bathroom. "But you're old enough to make your own decisions." She shrugged, setting the scale down.

Pietro stepped on, the view of his feet, and the scale completely, being blocked by his ballooning gut. He waited in silence, for the voice to read out his weight. Yet, instead, it called out "error". Confusion grew on his face as he looked to Laura, who was just as shocked.

"Here.." she said, signaling for Pietro to step off. Once he had, Laura looked at the scale, seeing that it only went to 500 pounds.

"Oh my god.." she said, looking at Pietro. Pietro could tell by her reaction that maybe he had gotten a bit too big. "I'm going to grab the scale from the barn, that one should work.." she mumbled as she went to grab it.

Pietro nodded and watched as she walked away, sighing to himself as he grabbed out another snack from the pantry. Of course, by the time Laura had come back, Pietro had finished it, leaving no evidence behind.

Then, just as before, he climbed onto the scale, waiting for the numbers. Laura looked once the scale had beeped. "530 pounds, Pietro.." she said, looking at him, shocked. She knew he was big, but that big? It was a lot.

Pietro nodded slowly, trying to process that number. It was even shocking to him. "Wow.." was all he could say as he looked down at his stomach, grabbing it. "I guess I fit in America now, huh?" He asked, laughing slightly.

Wanda had come to visit the next day, and she decided to take Pietro out to lunch. They needed a twin day. The witch was shocked when she had seen how big her brother had gotten in just a matter of months. Yet, the happiness on his face, made it easy for her to overlook the excessive weight.

Sliding into the booth, Wanda could only watch as her brother had to squeeze his way in, huffing and puffing. Once he had finally managed to cram himself in, he's smiling up at his sister.

"Thanks for this. It's nice to get out of the house." Pietro said and nodded, smiling. His stomach was pressed tight against the table, and was even spilling out on top of it, too. Booths were definitely not fat friendly.

"Of course, I'm glad I could convince you.." Wanda laughed softly, shrugging as she smiled over at her brother. He truly was happy being so large... maybe it wasn't a bad thing after all. His happiness was what mattered to Wanda.

After the twins had talked, and ate, well, Pietro ate, for hours, they finally decided it was time to head back. Wanda had a big mission the next day, and she was sure Pietro wanted to get home too.

"Come on, let's get going."  Wanda said, sliding out of the booth with ease.

Pietro was attempting to slide out too, but his stomach stopped him, and wouldn't budge. He pushed and pushed, yet nothing. He was too fat. He was stuck.

"I can't.. I'm stuck." Pietro said, grunting as he tried to move again.

"What?!" Wanda asked, shocked, looking at her brother. Oh god.

Pietro continued to grunt, and attempt to shimmy his way out, but just couldn't. He made the tight squeeze of the booth before, even tighter by eating for hours on end, just expanding his stomach.

"I'm stuck."

The fat man mumbled, trying to free himself of the booth.

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