Let's Make Up

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MoMo does not look at Jeongyeon since they came out of the supermarket. Jeongyeon sighs and carrying the shopping bags while Tzuyu is also leading to the car parking lot. Sana is lost and just following them because she didn't know what was going on and she sees MoMo seem upset.

Jeongyeon opens the car with auto keys and then Tzuyu lift up the hack side of the car and putting bags inside.Jeongyeon also do that too. MoMo just poutint and sits inside the car quietly and stops talking. Sana didn't go inside the car and stands outside to ask the other two handsome girls that what was going on.

"Jeongyeon shii. ", Sana calls Jeongyeon.

"Yes Sana chan what is it?", Jeongyeon approaches.

"Why does MoMo seem upset?", Sana looks at Jeongyeon and asks.

"Uhm well. I stopped her buying a fluffy toy inside there. Since, it was not necessary with your buying things. So, I was kinda stopping her to push the toy inside the cart. I was afraid because you paid all the costs anyway even if my candy bag. I knew it. Toy seems abit cost. That is why.", Jeongyeon concluded.

"Omg. Jeongyeon unnie. You don't know what a girl wants and likes?", Tzuyu also talks now.

"Well Tzuyu san. I think I did the right thing. I know what girls likes", Jeongyeon looks annoyed abit when Tzuyu tries to talk to her.

"Allrighty. My bad.I was trying to calm you down girls back then. But, I think I am not that good at talking things.. I will just get inside the car first.", Tzuyu looks at Jeongyeon and then looks at Sana. Sana nods to Tzuyu and then Tzuyu gets inside the front seat.

Jeongyeon sighs and rubs her head slowly.

"I just worried that the toy might cost alot for you. Sana chan. I saw the price tag. It is not a cheap one.",

"I get it what you say.Jeongyeon unnie. Do me a favor then. Come with me back inside the supermarket."

"Eh why? You forget something to buy.?", Jeongyeon asked.

"The hell.. she is bold like Tzuyu too. Why are the handsome girls always bold and talk like men?!", Sana thought inside.

But she smiles outside and grab Jeonyeon's waist and then approaches near their car and Sana knockx the front black door abit.

-Knock -knock -knock

Tzuyu scrolls down the front seat window.

"Ya what?Sana unnie."

"I forget to buy my favourite chocolate brands. I need to buy back with Jeongyeon in accompany. Can you girls wait us abit?", Sana talks to Tzuyu.

"Sure go ", MoMo's voice comes out from back seat. Tzuyu just nods. Sana winks and then dragging Jeongyeon inside the supermarket back. Jeongyeon is lost by Sana's action but she followed.

A few minutes later

MoMo sits behind the seat and not talking to Tzuyu and just staring at her hands while lowering her head. Tzuyu shakes head and looks outside of her window and getting some fresh air. She does not disturb MoMo since MoMo is upset and sad. Tzuyu knows it.

Suddenly, Jeongyeon opens the back seat window with her car key while holding the fluffy pig toy with her other hand. Sana is behind Jeongyeon.

Tzuyu head tilts to their direction and so does MoMo. MoMo opens her mouth and could not say anything. Jeongyeon puts the doll on MoMo's lap and the close the door back. MoMo froze. Tzuyu shakes head and smiles.

"Sana chan. Get on the car from the right side back seat now. As you said. Let's move to the next target."

"Sure Jeongyeon unnie. Thank you~", Sana gets inside and so does Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon does not say anything and starts the car engine. Tzuyu checks Sana with the car's mirror and smirks. MoMo is still frozen with a big fluffy toy on her lap.

Jeongyeon starts driving.And the car is moving from supermarket.

Tzuyu looks back at Sana and asked,

"Sana unnie . Where are we going?"

"Burberry and Prada..Chewy yah . I already told Jeongyeon locations. After that, lets sit at a cafe nearby. ", Sana replies.

"Ah Okay.", Tzuyu said and then looks on roads again.

Jeongyeon suddenly said to MoMo,"

"I bought it for you. Please forgive me for the act I did before. MoMo chan.I didn't know those are your favourites. Sana told me."

After hearing that MoMo gets blushed and squeezes the toy in embarassement. And then she hides her face inside the toy and replies back to Jeongyeon,

"Thank you..Jeongyeon unnie. I love pigs,"

Jeongyeon does not say anything back but she smiles too. And everyone starts to enjoy their sweet friendship time on the red Honda car which is now rolling on the road.

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