Straight To Lesbian

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Sana went upstairs with Tzuyu together and then they said goodbye to each other and Tzuyu went into her own room.
Sana walked towards MoMo's room and then Mrs.Hirai came out.

"Heh Sana chan. You come to see her?"

Sana nods and looks at Mrs.Hirai.

"Yes Aunty. I want to check up on MoMo chan. How is she?"

"Well nothing is wrong sweetie. She is just being moody. I don't know what got her moody. I let her dish near her table. Please help me to comfort her..Sana chan. I will go rest too. Uhm~ is Tzuyu already in her room?"

"Yes, Aunty. She is. Don't worry. I will handle MoMo chan. Rest well~" , Sana smiles .

"Okay dear. Thank you so much. Goodnight~"

"Goodnight Aunty.", Sana nods and then went inside MoMo's room after Mrs.Hirai left.

. .

MoMo is on her bed and covering herself with a blanket and not moving. She is like a stone on bed now.
But when MoMo heard that the door closed, she took a peek and Sana is near the door while still holding the knob.

"H-hi Sana chan. What are you doing here? ", MoMo slowly sits down and looks at Sana.

"I heard from Tzuyu that you were having a headache MoMo chan. But Aunty just told me that you are just moody. What happened?", Sana sits down on MoMo's bed.

"Uhmm..", MoMo whines and then lean down back.

"I don't want to talk about it.", MoMo buries her face in the pillow.

Sana sighs and then pulling MoMo's shirt abit .

"Yah~ ! You were jealous right ? When I hugged Dahyun."

MoMo turns around and the sits down and looks at Sana.

"Yes I am. Why did you hug my salad?", MoMo pouts.

"Heh ? We are friends . Can't we hug? ", Sana chuckles and said.

"Well but . You hugged in a romantic way. It was really eye crossed in our eyes...hump!", MoMo said.

"I did that on purpose to see your reaction.. and our eyes? What do you mean??", Sana asked.

"Tzuyu. She looked at you guys like Dahyun gonna melt by her stares from back. I know we should not feel that to you guys but that was how we felt.", MoMo sighs and said.

"Chewy felt jealous too? ", Sana asked MoMo while holding her hand now.

"I know Tzuyu. I had known her since young. She is really good at controlling her emotions unlike me. And maybe you didn't notice because she is really good at pretending too.", MoMo continues.

Sana looks at MoMo and then nods.

"Uhm..I am surprised. Tzuyu has that side. I thought she does not feel on things alot."

"Of course. She is. She is a human too not a robot Sana yah. Are you stupid?", MoMo laughs abit and patting Sana's shoulder now.

"Teheh ~ Sorry . So..uhm do you know like Tzuyu has a crush on another girl or on like me?", Sana asked curiously.

"Well, from my love experiences. I am still not sure that Tzuyu is having a crush on you or not. It is still hard to imagine hello ~ you girls met like yesterday."

"W-well. F-for me..I fell in love with Chewy at first sight.", Sana gulps and said.

MoMo's eyes get wide and then she said a loud..


"Oh jeez~! Calm down! Why are you so surprised MoMo chan!?", Sana closes her ears abit and said.

"W-w-w-w-what in the world !? You said you see her like sisters when we were at living room before,right? Do you remember ?? Ya~ Sana Chan. I didn't know you are a Bisexual. The hell !? Didn't you feel ..more okay with boys? You said you dated guys only. "

"I was a straight. Maybe I wanted some cares and affections because since my parents were always busy with their stuffs back then. I felt lonely and accepted any guys who couted me. I just enjoyed some romances I guess. I didn't feel like my heart beats or something .. like I am happening with Chewy now. And, I am not a bisexual now. I only see Tzuyu in my eyes this made that I am a lesbian??? I am so gay for her.. she is so lovely. And ..she made my heart skips a beat~!", Sana said and then she became shy.

MoMo noticed Sana being shy and then she wants to tease her.

"Oh dear~ did you forget that I am Tzuyu's big sister here? fufufu..what if I go and tell her right now!"

MoMo then jumps down and acts like she is about to leave to Tzuyu's room.

Sana saw and then she quickly gets down from bed to stop MoMo.

"MoMo chan~! Not the time- ",

as Sana said she fell down near MoMo and then she hugs her legs tight and not letting go.

MoMo laughs and then sit downs near Sana on the floor and she continues her laughing.

"HAHAHAH Sana yah ~ I am just joking. Are you really that scared that Tzuyu will know about this !?"

Sana rubs her legs abit and then she sits near MoMo and pouts.

"Of course. I can't know how she will react. She will think of me like a weird pervert japanese girl.."

"Hahah . Uh..well yeah. I want to know if Tzuyu likes you too. But I am not still sure. So I couldn't say well. Sorry Sana chan."

"It is fine. Even if I am one sided from now on. I will always love her.."

"Wow..Sana chan . You are so nice."

"I was not like that before.. fufu Chewy changed me... "

"Wow Minatozaki Sana. You are so in love."

"I guess I am. By the way, why did you act like a couple linking arm when you guys went downstairs? Huh? Just to make us Jealous? Me and Dahyun."

"It was me who started it. Tzuyu didn't refuse too. Maybe she wanted to see you guys reactions on us too."

"Are we the lab rats? wkwk da hell. You guys are so mean. "

"Well the fact is that you and Dahyun were so close sitting and like you were into her words. So I got abit jealous. No one was ever this close to Dahyun than me."

"Just her jokes were funny. Nothing more than that. Trust me MoMo Chan !", Sana pouts again.

"Haha okay I trust you now sister. And, your secret is very safe with me."

"Yes. Don't ever reveal this secret , I will tell to Tzuyu how I really feel for her when I have the right time.",

Sana said and then she takes the plate on MoMo's table and gives it to MoMo.

"You feel better now too right? Now eat it up , there is going to be bed time soon."

"Well. fried rice is cold now. And thank you Sana for clearing things. I will just warm this back in the kitchen and eat there. ", MoMo grabs the plate and then she gets down from bed.

Sana also gets up and follows MoMo to the door.

"I will come with you too. Don't eat alone~ I want to talk with you still.And, I will drink juice."

"Haha sure Sana chan. Let's go."

And the two Japanese girls went downstairs while holding the plate into the kitchen.

. . . .

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