First Kiss

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After the girls hanged out at cafe', they headed home.

MoMo went with Mina's car to stay at Dahyun's house tonight. So, Nayeon has to come with Tzuyu's car instead of MoMo.

Mr.Yoo dropped Nayeon first and then Jeongyeon at their home.

Tzuyu and Sana are sitting back seats together and currently Tzuyu is looking at Sana who is taking a nap on their way home.

Due to traffic, their going home takes awhile and Sana fast asleep.

Mr.Yoo knows Sana is sleeping so he does not even turn on the radio which he often listen.

Outside the car, it is raining heavily and traffic in the long way than before.

Tzuyu then looks outside through the car's dark glass window. Tzuyu really loves the feeling of rains and then the dark skies. She finds it peaceful and yet lovely.

"Uhmm..Ch..w..ey", Sana moves alittle and calling her name when she is sleeping.

Because of the call, Tzuyu turns her head to Sana and checks her out.
And then, Tzuyu smiles and then she glances at Mr.Yoo.

Mr.Yoo is currently focusing on the rod and the signs. And, he keeps busy outside with his eyes silently.

Tzuyu then turns back to Sana and then staring her as much as she could closely.

" are so adorable.. why did you call my name ?",

Tzuyu leans abit to Sana as soon as she said in very low tone.

Tzuyu gets a surprise when Sana turms around towards her face when rolls abit on seat while whining in her deep napping.

"Uhn.m..Ch-wey.. .."

Tzuyu froze now by Sana's action. She can't either move back.

Their faces are now inches away. And, Tzuyu's eyes on Sana's pinkish lips. Her eyes could not move away. And, her body is doing on her own without thinking. She leans towards Sana's face slowly.

And then, she gave Sana a very slow and soft kiss on her lips.

The lovely kiss was very light. Tzuyu makes sure not to wake up Sana when she did it.

When Tzuyu pulls away herself, she could not believe that she actually kissed her love.

"Omg..Chou Tzuyu..the hell.", Tzuyu holds her lips now with her right hand and then slowly sit back in her position.

She gets worried and then checks up on Sana but the girl is sleeping peacefully.

"My god. What did I just do ? Am I fking lose my mind !? ", Tzuyu thought inside and her ears turn red but nobody see it, of course.

. . .

After 20 mins, they get back to their home. Mr.Yoo drivr through the main gate and then stops in front of their main door. The main gate is automatically closed by Mrs.Hirai from inside with the auto system.

Mr.Yoo looks back.

"Sana is like a little child. Look at how she is sleeping so deep haha."

"Yes , she is. Uncle. Let me wake her up."

"Allright Tzuyu.", Mr.Yoo gets out of the car first.

Tzuyu slowly shakes Sana's left arm.

"Sana unnie.."


"Sana unnie..wake up . We are home."

"Uhn..? Ahh..Chewy. Sorry I fell asleep well...I said taking a nap hee but look at me..", Sana fixs her position on seat.

"Well, it is fine. You talked alot and ate alot than other girls wonder you got tired after that haha."

"You meanie. I love to talk and eat..fufu. ahhh. I didn't say goodbye to Jeongyeon unnie... i feel asleep ...agh."

"Haha. Jeez, she understands. We don't have to be worried about like being formal with someone who are closed with us now. Unnie , come on. Let's go inside.", Tzuyu said and chuckles and then she gets off the car and goes inside manor.

"I love your kiss..Chewy.. be glad that I saved my first kiss for someone who is special to me. ", Sana bites her lower lip slowly and then she licks abit and then she gets off the car too.

. . .

Sorry that I got busy these 3 days.
Hope you love this chapter!



With special loves,

No jam author

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