Chapter 11

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Kazutora didn't know how much money he was allowed to spend, so he was a little unsure about what to buy. He remembered that you wanted fruits, so he grabbed a few apples, oranges, bananas, and pears. Then he thought that maybe you could eat sandwiches for lunch so he put bread, butter, ham, a lettuce and tomatoes in the basket too. He smiled when he reached for two chocolate donuts. He hesitated for a moment after that, he wanted to make you chicken soup, but he didn't know if you would be mad if he spend so much money. But on the other hand you told him that the fridge was totally empty and you need food... After a few seconds of just standing there, he decided to buy the ingredients for the soup, it's gonna be for you after all, not him. And if you scold him for buying too much food he's gonna tell you that your health is more important than money, and you can save later.

He hid a grin when the cashier was staring at your purse in his hand, then he grabbed the 4 bags and headed back to your apartment.

'Okay, maybe it's too much.' he thought when he was walking up the stairs with the heavy bags.

You were sitting in front of the TV on the blankets and pillows where Kazutora slept the night before. You had a fluffy blanket wrapped around you, and you turned your head when you heard the door open.

"Whoa, are you trying to feed an army?" you asked as you stood up and walked to him to help him carry the bags in the kitchen.

"I told you, you shouldn't trust me!" Kazutora defended himself.

You laughed as you put the bags on the counter.

"Did you buy tissues?" you asked as you were looking in one of the bags, searching for it.

Kazutora walked next to you and put the bags down too. He reached in one of them and pulled out a pack and held it in front of your face.

Your eyes lit up as you saw it.

"Thanks!" you snatched it out of his hand and opened it instantly, then blew your nose in 3 tissues after each other.

"Jesus..." Kazutora said as he watched you.

"I know..." you threw them in the trashcan and sneezed.

"Bless you."

"Thanks." you said with a miserable face and then smiled at him in the most unattractive way possible. "Tell me I'm pretty." you looked at him with hopeful eyes.

Kazutora looked at you alarmed at first, then he realized that you were joking. He studied your face for a moment. Your hair was messy, you were a little pale, there were dark circles under your eyes, and you just overall looked tired. But he thought that you were still cute. But for the sake of the joke he tried to look torn apart, before he answered.

"Uh... you... you're pretty... on the inside."

You laughed out loud at his comment and he grinned then gave you the 2 donuts.

"Thank you!" you said as you started eating the first one.

"You're welcome. What do you want to eat?" Kazutora asked as he was unpacking the bags, then he stopped and eyed you with a little smirk. "I mean, after the donuts." he teased.

"Uhm, I don't know, I'm not really hungry, I think I just eat these."

Kazutora put his hand on your forehead. The only good thing in your sickness was that he had a chance to touch you, and he's going to use every opportunity as he can.

"I bought stuff so I can make sandwiches, or chicken soup."

You looked at him in surprise.

"Chicken soup?"

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