Chapter 18

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Kazutora's grin softened into a small smile, and he went to the kitchen. He grabbed a bowl and cut a banana and an apple into small pieces in it, then he poured water in the biggest glass he could find. He made a mug of tea too. He put them on a tray, along with a painkiller, a spoon, honey, sugar and lemon, then he went to your door and knocked softly on it. While he was preparing your breakfast he could hear from the kitchen that you went to the bathroom to take a shower, then stormed back into your room, without giving him even a glance.

"Go away!" came your muffled voice from the other side.

"I made you breakfast."

"I know a perfect place where you can put it!"

Kazutora grinned.

"Come on, it was just a joke!"

He stood there for a few moments, and when you didn't answer him, he decided to go in.

"I'm coming in!" he said, but he waited if you would yell to stop him.

When he didn't hear any protest, he opened the door and walked in. You were laying on your side, your back was to him, and the blanket was thrown over you, covering you fully.

Kazutora smiled a little, then walked in front of you and saw that only the top of your head was visible.

"I brought you a painkiller too."

You didn't even move.

"At least drink the water."

No reaction.

Kazutora sighed and put the tray down, next to your mattress. He walked on the other side, laid on the bed behind you, and put his arm around you. He was spooning you from behind, through the blanket.

"Are you mad, because I was making fun of your dream?"

He felt that you nodded.

Oh, if you only knew...

"I'm sorry." he mumbled into the blanket.

You haven't moved for a few seconds, but then you turned around and threw the blanket over Kazutora too. Now both of you were facing each other, only a few inches was between you and the blanket was reaching both of your shoulders.

You saw that he was grinning at you.

"Am I forgiven?"

"If you think I forgive you just because you made me breakfast, then you are wrong." you puffed.

Kazutora decided to change tactic so he gave you his puppy look. You narrowed your eyes at that.

"Not working." you mumbled.

"Give it a few seconds and it will." he replied, not breaking eye contact.

The comment made you want to smile, but you tried not to show it. A few moments later Kazutora saw how you bit the inside of your cheek, as the corner of your lips turned upwards.

"See, there's that smile." he grinned.

You rolled your eyes as you sat up, but the smile was still on your face. You reached for the tray and put it in your lap and started to eat.

Kazutora propped himself up on one of his elbows, while still laying on his side, watching you.

He was thinking about whether he should tell you about last night or not. He felt like a liar for not saying anything, but on the other hand he was afraid of your reaction. He knew you liked him, but you were drunk and he was sober and he doesn't want you to think he was getting advantage of you, or using you. He just simply couldn't say no to you.

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