Chapter 15

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"I don't care if it's the comfiest couch you've ever sat in, it's ugly as hell!" you complained as you watched Kazutora wiggling in the couch.

"Come on, just try it! My ass knows what it's doing, just trust it!"

"Your ass can suck it!" you said loudly and the people around you looked at you shocked.

Kazutora snickered as he saw their reaction and he stood up.

After about an hour of searching, debating and fighting over which couch you should buy, you found one which both of you liked. It had a nice beige colour, it wasn't that big, but when it was turned into a bed, it was big enough for Kazutora, and he found it very comfortable too, so you decided to buy that one.

Once it was in your apartment, you put the clothes from your boxes in your wardrobe, so there was room so it can be turned to a bed at nights. In the next three days Kazutora still made you food and tea, and if you happened to fall asleep on the couch he carried you to your room. Your bedroom door wasn't closed anymore when you were sleeping, this way he could hear you if you woke up and felt bad, so he could comfort you, but it never happened.

Kazutora was kinda glad, because you were feeling better, but this way he didn't have the chance to sleep next to you.


The next week started and you woke up early in Monday morning to go to work. After you woke up, you made your way to the kitchen to quickly eat something, but then you saw that Kazutora was already in there, putting pancakes on a plate.

"What are you doing up this early?" you asked as you rubbed your eyes.

Kazutora turned around and smiled at you.

"Hey. I made breakfast." he said simply.

"But it's 5 a.m. why aren't you sleeping?" you asked as he grabbed the plate, and walked towards you.

He put his other hand on your back and led you to the dining table.

"It's your first day! I gotta make sure it starts good." he said and made you sit down, then put the plate in front of you.

You looked at him with big eyes. Why is he have to be so sweet?

"I'm speechless."

"You just said something." he teased as he sat down opposite of you and started reading the newspaper in front of him, looking over the job advertisements.

You smiled and started eating. You sat in comfortable silence and when you finished you thanked him and went to your room to get ready. It took a little longer than you originally planned, and after you were done you rushed out of your room, and over to Kazutora who was still sitting at the table.

"Thanks again for the breakfast!" you said quickly and leaned over his shoulder from behind to kiss him on the cheek, then with the same speed, you were out of the apartment before he could blink.

His heart skipped a beat at that, then a big smile appeared on his face. But it only distracted his mind for a few seconds before he became worried again. He was searching for a job for the past couple of days but every job required at least a high school diploma which he didn't have. He rubbed his face with both of his hands then stood up from the table. He made the bed, since you told him that it's unnecessary to turn it back into a couch because you never have guests over anyway. Then he went to the bathroom and took a shower.

Oh yeah, another thing what became a daily habit in the past couple of days is jerking himself off in the shower. Seeing you only in your underwear was both a curse and a blessing. A curse, because he knew he can't touch you and a blessing, because now he can imagine you naked more easily. And he can't forget the look you gave him, while you were waiting for his answer, after you asked him if he thought that you were ugly.

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