000. pilot

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COLOR ! n. u
000. 爱 ᠈ 𝗉𝗂𝗅𝗈𝗍 . ❫

YOUR HEART THUMPED FROM YOUR CHEST, sweat dripping from underneath your cheer uniform as heat rushed rapidly throughout your nervous figure

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YOUR HEART THUMPED FROM YOUR CHEST, sweat dripping from underneath your cheer uniform as heat rushed rapidly throughout your nervous figure. Your mouth felt so incredibly dry. Could he notice your hands shaking?

"So, what's up?" he prompted you.

The two of you stood outside in the school parking lot after you stopped walking, both tired from the exciting basketball game. Soft gusts of wind brushed past you, attempting to cool your nervous sweat, but it didn't work. The darkness of night had enveloped you by now, leaving only the moon as a dim source of light, representing the small chance of reciprocation you had.

You didn't look up at him as you toyed with your short skirt and silently gulped. Your mouth begged for water. "So..." you began, "I needed to tell you something."

Naruto nodded with seriousness, though nervously, his basketball held between his palms, "Yea, what's up? You're talking so quiet..."

Because you were too nervous to speak any louder. Nonetheless, you weren't doing this for a "me too." You were doing this so he'd know.

So just spit it out.

"Sorry, just... uhh, tryna to figure out how to tell you this." Your hands now tugged on your uniform collar, unable to stay still by your side. Fuck, you cursed your anxiety.

"You don't have to figure anything out," he reassured you with a shrug, "just say what's on your mind."

For the first time since leaving the school walls, you looked [up/straight/down] at your best friend and took in his blue eyes, appearing much darker in the night, though still soft. Thankfully, he didn't seem to be getting impatient.



You nodded slowly and took in a breath of air.

"I like you," you spit out. "... a lot."

The blonde-haired boy blinked in silence before a smile graced his features and he put his basketball under his arm, pressing it onto his hip. "Oh! I like you, too, y/n! You know that!" A sigh of relief left his lips, "Whew, I thought you were mad at me or something!"

𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑 ,                               𝗇. 𝗎𝗓𝗎𝗆𝖺𝗄𝗂Where stories live. Discover now